John Terry [Merged]

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Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).
I agree with you fulhamroad22, they will offer him a contract and that is what he is holding out for. To me the question is, do Chelsea dare to offer a contract that is below that what he is asking and possibly send out a message of not valueing him enough? Or do they just give him whatever he wants? That could make a difference here..
shaiomarali said:,-2.200656&spn=0.007099,0.022638&z=16

fulhamroad, this map will help explain what dirtyharry's trying to describe

lots of empty spaces all over.

Also, if you are genuinely interested, here is a pic showing the other land that has been bought for the training facility and an article from Garry Cook relating to the plans.


Garry Cook said:
Manchester City, The Developments That You Might Not Know About

Manchester City is now one of the most widely reported on clubs in the world. That happens when your owner is worth somewhere in the region of £550 billion with a track record of quality delivery.

Apart from the obvious squad-related business, there are also plans to radically change the way that Manchester City do business. Garry Cook, City's Chief Executive has shed some light on the situation recently with his programmes notes from the last game of the season,

"That’s why we have begun a programme of improvements to the matchday experience, from shorter queues at half-time, to the My First City Game project. I hope that, slowly but surely, the City of Manchester Stadium has become a more enjoyable place to visit – and not just because of our home record this year."

"When you come back in August, you will see that we have continued to improve our match day offering, as more work is done to our catering areas and to the internal look and feel of the stadium itself. All this has come about after consultation with you, our supporters; by listening to your suggestions and acting on them and to add to this two-way feedback. Next season will see us launch a new programme of visits to our supporters’ clubs which will supplement the fan roadshows that Mark and I have already hosted this year at the stadium. We have and will continue to seek the views of fans as we continue to improve on everything we do."

Some will say that they have heard this sort of thing before and that many clubs talk the talk, but don't get around to walking the proverbial walk, but ADUG and the new board have been consistent in delivering in promises.

So the focus on matchdays will be to offer the very, very best experience both on and off the pitch, but the plans apparently go further than that.

There are advanced conversations about a change of ownership for the stadium with additional facilities elsewhere in the City, a carrot for the council. This may well mean an extension of the ground in terms of capacity in the mid-term but it would also allow for greater flexibility in how the other improvements can be delivered.

A new office complex is already in development, which would create a quality working environment for the burgeoning back office operations of the club as well as acting as a hub for the community team. There is also a new, extended museum project in the offing which aims to highlight the importance of the club's history to the new owners and the central role the past plays in shaping the clubs future.

Most impressive however will be a new £70 million training facility close to the Stadium, which will finally provide a world class facility for world class players. This is the cornerstone of how the club will project itself and entice new signings to City.

Having that "wow" factor is crucial in the short term to grab the attention of the best players and help the club gain momentum. It also further solidifies the clubs presence in East Manchester drawing more of the activity back from Carrington.

Part of the intention there is to re-enforce the image of City being Manchester's club.

Within football in the UK it is accepted that City, and not United have the strongest links to the City of Manchester (With Old Trafford, United's ground being situated in neighbouring Trafford Borough) but it is beyond that audience that the image of Manchester City being Manchesters' club is important.

As well as matching, or betttering United ON the pitch the owners want the world to link Manchester with City off the pitch.

The image of City is of paramount importance and it will be a move back to more traditional club values that will also help in developing the already extraordinary links between club and community.

It may be small beer in terms of the larger developments but the new kits that have been designed to draw the club back to its roots, with driect links to the more sucesful era in the clubs history.

The overall aim is to create a more visible club, a better spectator experience tied to traditional values.

Whether all of that is possible remains to be seen, but with money, desire and professioanalism in almost unlimited supply I wouldnt bet against it.
Dhenry said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).
I agree with you fulhamroad22, they will offer him a contract and that is what he is holding out for. To me the question is, do Chelsea dare to offer a contract that is below that what he is asking and possibly send out a message of not valueing him enough? Or do they just give him whatever he wants? That could make a difference here..

I think the first offer will be to match Frank's deal, and basically say to him that him and Frank are the heart of the club. £155k p/w for each player, means that it would only be £45k p/w short of what City are apparently offering and it also means a better chance of silverware next season, a prominent position going into the world cup, a good reputation at Chelsea and a place as a legend at Chelsea. I'd also put a clause in saying he could gain some coaching/managerial experience at Chelsea with reserves etc. when he retires as it would put him in a better position to be a manager at some stage.
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).

I think you are probably right in what you say, but he has been talking to us, and do you still think he is "Mr Chelsea" or more like "Mr Money"??
Nixon_The_Bike_Thief said:
shaiomarali said:,-2.200656&spn=0.007099,0.022638&z=16

fulhamroad, this map will help explain what dirtyharry's trying to describe

lots of empty spaces all over.

Also, if you are genuinely interested, here is a pic showing the other land that has been bought for the training facility and an article from Garry Cook relating to the plans.


Garry Cook said:
Manchester City, The Developments That You Might Not Know About

Manchester City is now one of the most widely reported on clubs in the world. That happens when your owner is worth somewhere in the region of £550 billion with a track record of quality delivery.

Apart from the obvious squad-related business, there are also plans to radically change the way that Manchester City do business. Garry Cook, City's Chief Executive has shed some light on the situation recently with his programmes notes from the last game of the season,

"That’s why we have begun a programme of improvements to the matchday experience, from shorter queues at half-time, to the My First City Game project. I hope that, slowly but surely, the City of Manchester Stadium has become a more enjoyable place to visit – and not just because of our home record this year."

"When you come back in August, you will see that we have continued to improve our match day offering, as more work is done to our catering areas and to the internal look and feel of the stadium itself. All this has come about after consultation with you, our supporters; by listening to your suggestions and acting on them and to add to this two-way feedback. Next season will see us launch a new programme of visits to our supporters’ clubs which will supplement the fan roadshows that Mark and I have already hosted this year at the stadium. We have and will continue to seek the views of fans as we continue to improve on everything we do."

Some will say that they have heard this sort of thing before and that many clubs talk the talk, but don't get around to walking the proverbial walk, but ADUG and the new board have been consistent in delivering in promises.

So the focus on matchdays will be to offer the very, very best experience both on and off the pitch, but the plans apparently go further than that.

There are advanced conversations about a change of ownership for the stadium with additional facilities elsewhere in the City, a carrot for the council. This may well mean an extension of the ground in terms of capacity in the mid-term but it would also allow for greater flexibility in how the other improvements can be delivered.

A new office complex is already in development, which would create a quality working environment for the burgeoning back office operations of the club as well as acting as a hub for the community team. There is also a new, extended museum project in the offing which aims to highlight the importance of the club's history to the new owners and the central role the past plays in shaping the clubs future.

Most impressive however will be a new £70 million training facility close to the Stadium, which will finally provide a world class facility for world class players. This is the cornerstone of how the club will project itself and entice new signings to City.

Having that "wow" factor is crucial in the short term to grab the attention of the best players and help the club gain momentum. It also further solidifies the clubs presence in East Manchester drawing more of the activity back from Carrington.

Part of the intention there is to re-enforce the image of City being Manchester's club.

Within football in the UK it is accepted that City, and not United have the strongest links to the City of Manchester (With Old Trafford, United's ground being situated in neighbouring Trafford Borough) but it is beyond that audience that the image of Manchester City being Manchesters' club is important.

As well as matching, or betttering United ON the pitch the owners want the world to link Manchester with City off the pitch.

The image of City is of paramount importance and it will be a move back to more traditional club values that will also help in developing the already extraordinary links between club and community.

It may be small beer in terms of the larger developments but the new kits that have been designed to draw the club back to its roots, with driect links to the more sucesful era in the clubs history.

The overall aim is to create a more visible club, a better spectator experience tied to traditional values.

Whether all of that is possible remains to be seen, but with money, desire and professioanalism in almost unlimited supply I wouldnt bet against it.

That is very impressive. I'll looks forward to visiting the finished project some day as an away supporter.
Dhenry said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).
I agree with you fulhamroad22, they will offer him a contract and that is what he is holding out for. To me the question is, do Chelsea dare to offer a contract that is below that what he is asking and possibly send out a message of not valueing him enough? Or do they just give him whatever he wants? That could make a difference here..

but if they are to give him what he wants wouldnt that start something with Lampard and Ballack??? Chelsea will not offer him what we have and that is why he will be joining City
BringBackSwales said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).

I think you are probably right in what you say, but he has been talking to us, and do you still think he is "Mr Chelsea" or more like "Mr Money"??

I'm not really sure at the moment. He has certainly gone down very slightly in my estimation. I can understand why he'd want extra money, but at the same time I think the way he has allegedly played hard ball to get this money is simply disrespectful to the club and fans that made him who he is.

That said, I personally think he is the best leader in football and am very proud that he leads Chelsea so well that he does the same for England. My absoloute dream for this season would be to see John Terry lift the Premier League, Champions League and World Cup all in the same season. It's very unlikely, but it's achievable in my opinion with a bit of luck.
Diego1983 said:
Dhenry said:
fulhamroad22 said:
Thaksinssoldier said:
I have to say Terry looks miserable in Seattle.Prob on the phone to Bridge and Bridge is telling him how the team are being treated like kings at the moment.

You can't really read too much into those pictures. There are images of him looking very happy and images that make him look glum. As someone pointed out to me when I posted a video of John Terry joking around with the youth team and first squad at Cobham- it doesn't mean he won't leave at all. Well it goes the other way too.

As I have mentioned time and time again (and sadly only one newspaper has the comments), Peter Kenyon mentioned giving JT an extended contract- something that "he wants". PK would have no reason to lie about that, I can understand saying he is "not for sale" to try and save face, but there would be no point in making a lie so elaborate by saying in as many words JT wants a new contract and we're happy to give him that, and the silence is there not to hurt the negotiations.

I feel that most statements, images, actions suggest that Terry will not be going to Eastlands this summer if an improved contract is agreed (like the one that is apparently being negotiated).
I agree with you fulhamroad22, they will offer him a contract and that is what he is holding out for. To me the question is, do Chelsea dare to offer a contract that is below that what he is asking and possibly send out a message of not valueing him enough? Or do they just give him whatever he wants? That could make a difference here..

but if they are to give him what he wants wouldnt that start something with Lampard and Ballack??? Chelsea will not offer him what we have and that is why he will be joining City

You are very confident, there, mate. Pretty much every source at the moment suggests he is angling for a Chelsea contract- it is looking very unlikely he will leave for City (although it is possible).

It won't match City, but it will put him on a substantial amount of money. I reckon it'll be on the same level as Lampard. Ballack is earning less than he did last season as his contract renewal was for lower wages.
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