Joke of the day

Joe and Paddy join the army and are told to go to the QMS (quarter Masters Stores) to get their uniforms.

As they stood in line, the QM started shouting out sizes, and Paddy asked Joe "whats dat man shouting out all dat about,?"

Joe says "he’s sizing us for kit",

Paddy says "I don’t know my sizes.. what do I do?" Joe says "well you are a bit bigger than me so just shout the next number I give".

The QM shouts "BOOTS".... Joe says "8" Paddy says "9"
QM shouts WAIST... Joe says "32". Paddy says "33"
QM shouts "HAT"... Joe says "6 and 7/8ths", Paddy says "9, 10, 11".

A hiker, clearly shaken, enters a remote English village pub, his clothes all torn and he's full of scratches...​

"You won't believe this," he says to the bartender. "I was attacked by a leopard!"
"Yes! A leopard! In England!"

The hiker sits down and orders the strongest liquor they've got. "I tried to run, but it was of course much faster than me."

The hiker gets his glass, empties it, and asks for another. "It sent me to the ground with a mighty push from its paws, but weirdly enough it then just gave me a really sad look and left."

"Ah, you met Father Andrews," the bartender says, matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean?" asks the tourist, confused.

"Father Andrews was our priest. A truly kind-hearted man, loved by all. His only goal in life was to serve his congregation as well as he could. So when he one day found a lamp with a genie, his very first wish was to be a loving shepherd to the community."
"That's nice "

"Absolutely, if only he hadn't been so prone to spoonerisms..."
True Story..
Dr Spooner was hosting a dinner at his college in Oxford. When proposing a toast to her majesty (Victoria), he announced "Ladies & Gentlemen, please raise your glasses to the queer old dean".
Think my obsession with the group 'The Monkees' is starting to affect my marriage.
Earlier this morning my wife came downstairs ranting and raving, stormed into the lounge....and then I saw her face.

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