Joke thread

A man goes to see the doctor: “I’m getting more and more headaches.”

“I see,” says the doctor. “Let’s have a look at you. Lie down there.”

He takes his pen light and peers into the man’s eyes. After a few seconds he says, “Hmmm, this is odd. Tell me, do you masturbate?”

The man replies, somewhat timidly, “Well, you know, sort of ... sometimes.“

“Me too,” says the doctor. “I fucking love it!”
One day a city stockbroker decides he has just had too much. Too much stress, too much of the big city, too much everything. So he quits him job, gives up his apartment and rents out a Cabin in the middle of the wilderness. For six months he lives in tranquillity and isolation. Then, one day, there is a knock at the door.

He opens the door to see this huge lumberjack with a giant beard shuffling from foot to foot nervously. Eventually the big man speaks:

“I’m yer neighbour from the cabin about a mile down the road. Anyhow, I’m having a party on Saturday and I wondered if you’d like to come.”

The guy pauses for a second and then replies: “You know what, that would be great. It is about time I got out and it would be nice to meet some new people. I’d love to come.”

“Right,” says the lumberjack, looking a little relieved. “I’ll see you about eight o’clock on Saturday then.” And then he turns to leave.

But he pauses for a second and then turns back: “I should probably warn you, there is gonna be some pretty heavy drinking.”

“Well, I’m sure that’s OK. I used to drink quite a bit myself back in the city, so I think I’ll be alright with a bit of hard liquor.”

“Right then,” says the big man. “Well, eight o’clock then.”

But as he turns to go he pauses again and turns back: “Yeah, I should also mention: most likely there will also be a bit of fighting before the evening finishes.”

“Uh, well, OK,” the guy replies. “I mean, I get on pretty well with most people so I don’t see that being a problem. But if it gets rough, then I am sure I can take care of myself.”

“Right then,” says the big man. “See you at eight o’clock then.”

But once again he pauses and turns back, scratching his beard: “So I probably also need to tell you: there might be some pretty wild sex.”

The guy perks up a bit at that. “Well, you know, we are all consenting adults. And after all this time out here alone, I don’t think I’d have any problem with some intimate company if that’s what happens.”

“OK then,” says the man. “Well, see you Saturday.” And with that he turns and starts to stroll away.

“Oh wait, just one question,” says the guy. “What should I wear?”

The lumberjack pauses to think, and scratches his beard again. “I don’t suppose it really matters much. I just gonna be you and me.”
Bob and Fred were in the pub one evening enjoying an after work pint and a chat when they spot a male stranger walk in and approach the bar. From their table, a short distance away, they can see that the man is very ‘well-to-do’ indeed. Top end suit, shirt and shoes, expensive looking watch and brimming with the look of wealth and success. Bob nods in the direction of the stranger and says to his friend, “Just look at him … hes obviously loaded. I wonder what he does for a living.” Fred says, ‘I’ll tell you what, I’ll go and get us another drink and I’ll ask him.”

Fred orders his drinks and while hes waiting he remarks to the stranger, “My friend and I couldn’t help noticing that you are obviously doing OK in life and we wondered what it is that you do for a living”

The guy smiles politely and says, “I’m a Logical Scientist”

“A Logical Scientist …? What’s all that about, then? asks Fred.

“Well I’ll demonstrate it to you if you have a moment”, the guy offers helpfully.

“Sure. Yes, thanks”, says Fred.

“Ok”, the scientist begins … “Tell me, do you have a goldfish?”

“Errrrmm … yes I do as a matter of fact”, Replies Fred.

“And do you keep that goldfish in a bowl indoors or in a pond outside?”

“Its in the pond in my garden”

“OK. So logical science tells me that if you have a pond then your garden must be of a reasonable size.”

“Its a fair-sized garden, yes”, confirms Fred.

“And if you have a big garden, its logical to deduce that you have a pretty big house”.

“Well yes … quite big. Six bedrooms. Plenty of space”.

“So”, the scientist continues, “logic tells me that if you have a big house then you will also have a big family.”

Fred beams proudly, “Yes I have a lovely wife and five beautiful children.”

“Then logical science tells me that if you have a big family, you will have a very satisfying sex life.”

Fred grins again and confirms that it is indeed very satisfying.

“And if you have a good sex life, I can scientifically and logically deduce that you don’t masturbate very often.”

Fred shuffles his feet a little and says, “Well no … hardly ever … I don’t need to.”

“Well there you go then,” says the stranger. “That's logical science. You told me you had a goldfish and from that I’ve managed to tell you about your home, your family and your sex life!”

Fred is very impressed. “Wow yes, That's pretty amazing really. Thanks. Good talking to you.”

He collects his drinks and returns to the table where Bob is waiting.

“I saw you chatting to him. Did you ask him what he did for a living?,” asks Bob

“Yes I did. He’s a Logical Scientist as it turns out.”

Bob looks a little confused and asks, “A Logical Scientist? What’s all that about then?”

“Well, I’ll demonstrate it to you”, says Fred. “Tell me, do you have a goldfish?”

Bob screws his face up a little and says, “Ummmm, no.”

“Well then … You’re a wanker!”
I was in Asda with the missus and put a box of Stella in the trolley. “What do you think you are doing”? Asks the missus. I reply “its on offer £10 for 24 cans” “put them back we can’t afford it“ she said. A few aisles on she picks up a £20 jar of face cream and put it in the trolley. “What you doing”? I said. “it makes my face look beautiful” she replied.

So I said, “so does 24 cans of Stella and its half the fucking price”.
An Englishman, a Welshman, and a Pakistani meet in the waiting room at a hospital.

Over the course of a conversation, it becomes apparent that all three are expectant fathers, all are first-timers, and all their wives are in labour right at that very moment.

The three get talking and are getting on rather well when the doctor appears, looking a little bit flustered.

“Gentlemen, I’m pleased to say that all your wives have delivered healthy sons, my congratulations to all of you.

However, I’m afraid we do have a small problem. We’re a small hospital and we’re not used to the maternity ward being quite so busy- I’m afraid that the midwife forgot to label the cots. We don’t know whose is whose!”

The Pakistani gentlemen smiles and says “Well, I think I can probably pick mine out of the three, but you two have got a bit of a problem.”

“Nonsense!”, says the Welshman, “I can tell my own son! Come on, we can sort this out between us.”

The Englishman reluctantly agrees, and the three troop off to the maternity ward. On arrival, the Englishman enters first and promptly returns with what is, very obviously, the Pakistani child.

The Pakistani fellow protests, to which the Englishman says:

“Sorry mate, but one of them kids in there is Welsh, and I’m not taking any chances!”
A man is in his garden enjoying a cup of tea when he notices his seven-year-old neighbour digging in her garden.

’’Hello, love. What you doin’ there then?”

“I’m burying my goldfish.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. Still, it’s only a goldfish isn’t it I s’pose. But why are you digging such a big hole?”

“Because it’s inside your fucking cat.”
A young man gets a new job on a remote lighthouse. He is the youngest of the four lighthouse keepers.

When he arrives and starts to get to know the others he asks, “So what do you do for entertainment around here every night.”

“Well,” said the oldest keeper. “On Monday night we usually play a long game of chess.”

“That’s a shame,” the young man said. “I don’t play chess.”

“Never mind,” said the other keeper. “On Tuesday night, we get a few local girls over from the mainland and have a party and then we all pair off and have a good time.”

“Oh,” said the young man. “I don’t really fancy that.”

“Why?” the older keeper asked. “Are you gay?”

“No,” the young man said quickly. “I’m definitely not gay.”

The older keeper shakes his head. “Ah, well, then you’re not going to enjoy Wednesday night either.”
Bloke came in the pub last night and sat down next to me. He was totally dejected, just sat there looking down at the bar.

I felt sorry for him and asked “Everything OK?”

He said “Have you ever meant to say something but the words got jumbled up in your head and you said something you didn’t mean and make a fool of yourself?”

I said “Yes. Last month I told my secretary I was reading “A Sale of Two Titties.” I felt like such a fool. Why, did something like that happen to you?”

“Yes. It was last night. I was having dinner with my wife and children and I meant to say “Darling, would you please pass me the mashed potatoes. But the words got all jumbled up in my head.”

“So what did you say?”

“I said - You bloody woman you’ve ruined my life.”

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