Joke thread

Guy walks into a bar with a big grin on his face. “Sling me a beer, Pete!”

Bartender slings him a beer, says, “You look awfully frickin pleased with yourself. What's up?”

Guy grins and says, “You know where I work? Lumberyard near the tracks? And I walk over the tracks to my shack every day?

Bartender says, “Yeah, yeah, so what?”

Guy says, “Well, yesterday I was crossing the tracks when I saw this naked woman tied to the tracks. Beautiful legs, perfect tits, so I untie her and carry her home. Then all last night, it's me on top of her and her on top of me. Best part is, she's still there!

Bartender beams, “Wow, is she beautiful?”

Guy looks puzzled, shakes his head and says, “I don't know, never found the head…”

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