Jose Mourinho

robbieh said:
Great manager no doubt. But there are quite a few clubs doing well without the special one.

My opinion is that Barca would never employ him . They see his football as being far too pragmatic for a club who pride themselves on flair football.

Real Madrid are not totally convinced by him. They would take Wenger first. However if they wind up trophyless Jose could be at the Bernabeu.

People are wondering why when JM wants to wrap up a full house by winning La Liga in spain he constantly goes on about england.

I feel he is trying to force Madrid into appointing him. He knows he can't win La Liga with Valencia or Sevilla. Madrid are his only option. On the other hand if Madrid win the league Pelligrini will stay. Leaving Jose out in the cold.

He could then say he wants the City job. We sack RM and employ JM. Madrid fuck up next year and Mourinho goes there leaving all City fans well pissed off.

Let's not get on the Mourinho gravy train. He is using us just like certain agents use us as a bargaining tool for their players.

One possible interpretation. Another is that Mourinho loves to be loved. It's like a drug to him and he misses it. He also misses England. The relationship he had with the media and the fans. The opportunity to pit his wits against the likes of Ferguson and Wenger, and getting the better of them. The challenge of taking a club that hasn't been successful and proving his greatness by bringing them trophies. If he did that here he'd achieve god like status and he knows it. He remembers his old mentor Malcolm Allison with great affection and sees a chance to come to City as fate. He also likes to earn a few quid in the process. It's possible that his public utterances about wanting to return to England could be just that. From the heart. Mancini may well be 'in the loop'. He's probably always known that Mourinho was the preferred option, hence the stories from well placed sources linking him with Juve. Like I say, just another possible interpretation, but imo, a much more likely one.
hgblue said:
One possible interpretation. Another is that Mourinho loves to be loved. It's like a drug to him and he misses it. He also misses England. The relationship he had with the media and the fans. The opportunity to pit his wits against the likes of Ferguson and Wenger, and getting the better of them. The challenge of taking a club that hasn't been successful and proving his greatness by bringing them trophies. If he did that here he'd achieve god like status and he knows it. He remembers his old mentor Malcolm Allison with great affection and sees a chance to come to City as fate. He also likes to earn a few quid in the process. It's possible that his public utterances about wanting to return to England could be just that. From the heart. Mancini may well be 'in the loop'. He's probably always known that Mourinho was the preferred option, hence the stories from well placed sources linking him with Juve. Like I say, just another possible interpretation, but imo, a much more likely one.

Exactly my take on the situation. Good post.

But we warned, the "Outraged of Bluemoon" camp will be after you.
mcfc_die_hard said:
the goats backside said:
I am happy with RM, if we stick with him we will win things, if we put JM in charge and doing average after half a season where do we go then seeing as a lot on here thinks JM is god

i can guarentee we wont be doing average

As much as I don't like to keep swapping managers, I tend to agree.

I like Mancini but Jose is the best manager out there at the moment.
We are the only club in the actual equation which already fits his well-known requested criteria.

He wants to build a dynasty.

He wants carte-blanche, just as Rafa has at Liverpool.

He wants significant funds to achieve his aims.

Have commented before, whether we like it or not, player power rules.
SWP's back said:
mcfc_die_hard said:
i can guarentee we wont be doing average

As much as I don't like to keep swapping managers, I tend to agree.

I like Mancini but Jose is the best manager out there at the moment.

like i have said before. i will be very happy if mancini stays at city, top bloke nice man good manager and has nice hair and good style. but if he goes and mourinho comes in then i wont be upset i will be very happy
We are an attractive proposition. In football terms, we have an unlimited chequebook with which to bring in whoever he wants. I think Mansour and Khaldoon would let him handle the transfer side of things as they would trust his judgment. He has a chance here to dismantle the establishment of Manchester United, as well as put one over his former club in the process.

At this point in time, Madrid are the only other viable option for him. And that says a lot about how far we have come.
don't you get it? same old from mourinho

his team start to struggle with big games coming up.

he deflects all criticism and pressure from the team by causing a scene.

as for mancini to juve, the story I read did not say he had agreed to take over in the summer. it said that he felt it was tempting, and that if he had been approached back in december, he would have said yes. as noted, this comes from an agnelli friendly outlet. seems to me just as likely that they are using him as a stalking horse in their pursuit of laurent blanc.

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