Jude Bellingham

Foden's more disciplined than Bellingham (and Kane) but strangely that's perceived as a weakness when playing for England, whereas at City he's been educated to look 3-4 passes ahead, and drift into goal scoring positions. Indeed, watch a montage and he's even got a couple of signature goals.

I've not seen enough of Bellingham, but regardless of his potential and achievement, he's undoubtedly been ring fenced from criticism by the same people who are now turning a blind eye to Mainoo's ball watching and bad positional sense when the opposition have the ball.

There was a moment on Sunday when Bellingham refused to pass inside and literally dribbled around socks until winning a throw in near the corner flag. The mindset of a 10 year old, but maybe I've been spoilt by watching Rodri dictate the pace of the game. Maybe Foden should do the same, and he'll receive less criticism.
Only City fans that see through Bellingham….

Twitter isn’t exactly a reliable barometer though is it- the bigger you are the more you’re hated especially if it brings in more clicks and shares.

In the real world, England fans out there in Germany are singing his name and worshipping him.
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Bellingham at present has these odd moments of world class ability. Not many in the England squad can score the kind of goal that he got the other day.
In terms of being consistently a world class performer over 90 minutes he's a long way off it from the full matches I've watched him play in for Madrid and England.
We live in an age where people mostly consume bitesized clips and viral moments, and form an overall opinion based on that. So when people see that overhead kick on repeat and clips of the unnecessary backheels and skills he has on the ball, they confuse that for someone who's performing well above his peers consistently thru a full game. Hence the over the top hype that people heap upon him.

We also live in a world where if a player has a quiet game and makes a bad pass- there’s clips on Twitter slating him, calling him overated and a pile on of endless abuse.
Everyone talking about pushing him back and having Phil at 10.

I remember one England game, a friendly where Foden played very deep, controlling the game, long Hoddleseque passes. He can do this.

Bellingham for me should be further forward.

Hence it’s impossible for any manager to please.
Twitter isn’t exactly a reliable barometer though is it- the bigger you are the more you’re hated especially if it brings in more clicks and shares.

In the real world, England fans out there in Germany are singing his name and worshipping him.
Worshipping him ? Goodness me.

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