Jude Bellingham

This whole situation is driving me MAD.

Given everything he's already achieved and his performances at club level, he's clearly not "average". I also think he occasionally speaks quite well for his age when he's not being a chippy little twat. BUT he looks average at this tournament. It's more than likely down to the fact that he's playing for the most poorly coached side in the tournament in a system that isn't bringing out the best in him or anyone else around him, but for him to act like he needs to show zero accountability for his shite performances and be giving it this "who else!?" nonsense after a performance line that doesn't bode well for England's prospects.

Seen multiple articles saying how England would have been out of the tournament if Jude Bellingham had been dropped. Maybe we wouldn't have needed a 94th minute goal if we hadnt opted to keep a Bellingham at number 10 and playing in a way that is suffocating the players around him whilst offering nothing of any note himself?

It won't happen this tournament but he's on a massive collision course with the England fan base at some point or other, because if he carries on playing like this whilst the press keep bigging him up, he won't be able to handle it when the fans start openly getting on his case.
Not "hatred" at all, I save that for people who use the term hatred and hate for any criticism. Thin skinned delicates.
It's more a reaction to the misplaced over hyping of a decent player.
Seen that goal scored at every level of football - from 7 aside pitches and Sunday mornings, to elite stadiums. Yep - great time to score and the relief was palpable - but it was a one bright spot in a sea of utter shite - Bellingham being a large part of it. As for those subs - wow - should sack the idiot today.
Foden - I agree, becoming increasingly hard to defend him. Looks like a lack of self-belief as opposed to tactics, position etc. He's getting enough of the ball.
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The “who else” he said when he scored tells you all you need to know about this guy, believes in his own hype which is great, and the confidence (arrogance) is sometimes a great trait to have, well if you see the job through that is

Like I’ve said before (only based on one live game) but when at City last season he was absolutely gash, a bit like he’s been majority of this tournament but will be lauded as a legend if England win this thing, however I’ll stick to the point I made earlier today, he’s a red card away from being a bigger wanker than he actually is which will take some beating
Didn’t watch him for Madrid apart from our games, but even the Spanish say he was great first half if the season, average the rest, so basically he’s been average since January, wheras Phil has been good all season. I guarantee Phil is dropped for the quarter finals and I’d be happy with that, rest him for our season, couldn’t give a shit if he ever played for England again.
Plenty of non-City fans despise Bellingham if you have a quick browse on Twitter. It’s not just us.

For me it’s nothing to do with how Phil is being played this tournament. I can’t stand arrogant “it’s all about me” wankers who believe their own hype when doing fuck all on the pitch. It’s a team sport, not an individual one. Humility with a healthy dose of confidence goes a long way - something City players have in spades as Pep knows that one Billy Big Bollocks in a team does not all our trophies make…
Didn’t watch him for Madrid apart from our games, but even the Spanish say he was great first half if the season, average the rest, so basically he’s been average since January, wheras Phil has been good all season. I guarantee Phil is dropped for the quarter finals and I’d be happy with that, rest him for our season, couldn’t give a shit if he ever played for England again.

It’s nailed on that Phil will be dropped for Saturday, shouldn’t be the only one like, but yea can see it now, I’m same as you but the players love it playing for the country and I dunno why it’s turgid shite every game

I said to my lad yesterday, City would smash England and they can have Walker,Stones and Foden and we’d still paste them easily
This whole situation is driving me MAD.

Given everything he's already achieved and his performances at club level, he's clearly not "average". I also think he occasionally speaks quite well for his age when he's not being a chippy little twat. BUT he looks average at this tournament. It's more than likely down to the fact that he's playing for the most poorly coached side in the tournament in a system that isn't bringing out the best in him or anyone else around him, but for him to act like he needs to show zero accountability for his shite performances and be giving it this "who else!?" nonsense after a performance line that doesn't bode well for England's prospects.

Seen multiple articles saying how England would have been out of the tournament if Jude Bellingham had been dropped. Maybe we wouldn't have needed a 94th minute goal if we hadnt opted to keep a Bellingham at number 10 and playing in a way that is suffocating the players around him whilst offering nothing of any note himself?

It won't happen this tournament but he's on a
massive collision course with the England fan base at some point or other, because if he carries on playing like this whilst the press keep bigging him up, he won't be able to handle it when the fans start openly getting on his case.


Although I have to say I've been crying out for Phil to play as the 10 and Bellingham drop back but after watching last night, I'm not sure we would get much more joy with Phil at 10. He drifts in that position a fair bit, takes up intelligent positions and nobody finds him.

It's different for City because the players know you can pick him out in these positions and he's comfortable at taking the ball, even If he only has a few yards of space to work in, he's arguably the best in the game at it. I think many of the England players are not used to playing with someome like that, they they see he's not in a position with a clear 10 yard radius around him, so they just pass to a player who is in yards of space, even if it's not progressive, not understand Phil doesn't need so much room.

That's why teams like Spain are so fluid compared to England. The players trust each other, they make passes where the recipient only has a second or two to do something with it and they can. England just look for the player they in the most space, which is usually not progressive.

Phil is definitely better than Bellingham as a 10 and can do a lot more with the ball, but you have to find him and England can't.

Although I have to say I've been crying out for Phil to play as the 10 and Bellingham drop back but after watching last night, I'm not sure we would get much more joy with Phil at 10. He drifts in that position a fair bit, takes up intelligent positions and nobody finds him.

It's different for City because the players know you can pick him out in these positions and he's comfortable at taking the ball, even If he only has a few yards of space to work in, he's arguably the best in the game at it. I think many of the England players are not used to playing with someome like that, they they see he's not in a position with a clear 10 yard radius around him, so they just pass to a player who is in yards of space, even if it's not progressive, not understand Phil doesn't need so much room.

That's why teams like Spain are so fluid compared to England. The players trust each other, they make passes where the recipient only has a second or two to do something with it and they can. England just look for the player they in the most space, which is usually not progressive.

Phil is definitely better than Bellingham as a 10 and can do a lot more with the ball, but you have to find him and England can't.

I know this won't happen, but I think Phil's best chance of having an impact is for him to be played as an 8. That way he can get the ball from the defence and get us playing. Also would give him the chance to drift into the box like Gundo instead of being closely marked from the off.
I know this won't happen, but I think Phil's best chance of having an impact is for him to be played as an 8. That way he can get the ball from the defence and get us playing. Also would give him the chance to drift into the box like Gundo instead of being closely marked from the off.

That's definitely not happening.

Personally I reckon he's more likely to be dropped by Saturday. Southgate’s perception will be skewed by Bellingham scoring an equaliser and not realising he was utter utter dog shit.

Phil wasn't great, but he was still one of England's better players yesterday, unlucky with the offside goal, good deliveries from set pieces for the most part, not earth shattering but the rest of the team were serving up nothing for 118 of the 120 minutes.

Still, the fact he got subbed in the 94th minute and England snatched a win will justify things in Southgate’s mind to drop him.
I remember all them years ago when Ronaldo did that wink to Rooney as he was sent off - England fans all frothing with outrage , so easily wound up. I thought to myself I wish we had a player with some fucking arrogance and ego about him - it might actually make the difference for us to win something. We’ve lacked a player with this attitude for decades, always been too nice.

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