Julian Assange

The USA can choose to extradite her, she hasn't been accused of a crime carried out during her job. A traffic collision which there is no evidence of fabrication. They have always had it within their discretion to waive DI.

It would be a good diplomatic gesture by them to see she receives some punishment, even if it is a leniant slap on the wrist.

Unfortunately the USA is the bully boy of world affairs and we are happy to play the role of it's fag, going around collecting lunch money in the hope we get a few pennies.

Did the USA ever reimburse us for the bill we run up guarding the Ecuadorian Embassy? Probably not.

Don’t think they have paid the fines for parking tickets that diplomatic staff have run up, either.
And in the real world ?
Well I am more outraged than you, sod the rule of law, forget a justice system that is independent, I want him hanged, no sorry freed. He is a true hero and everything we have ever believed in should get cast aside because he is special, a martyr, a revolutionary.
And in the real world ?

As I said, the USA is the bully-boy.

Just because there is no prospect that she will face consequences, doesn't mean that she shouldn't.

I have never argued against the Vienna Convention or Diplomatic Immunity.
Well I am more outraged than you, sod the rule of law, forget a justice system that is independent, I want him hanged, no sorry freed. He is a true hero and everything we have ever believed in should get cast aside because he is special, a martyr, a revolutionary.

Rule of law, a flexible concept for America.

It wasn’t just parking tickets it was also the congestion charge, which your government can more than afford as the price of doing business. Just like British citizens working as tradesman or cabbies don't get a choice.

If you come back with a link of UK diplomats avoiding equivalent charges, I wouldn't argue that they shouldn't be paid.

She drove on the wrong side of the road and killed someone, it is nothing to do with her job. It's not a manufactured charge she should show some accountability.

And what I actually said was it would be deserved end, I didn't even wish it so, because I know I don't possess magical powers. And no I don't want someone to deliberately infect her with a cancer causing virus etc.

Your country is the world's biggest bully, you're proud of it. Own it. You know as well as I do that diplomatic immunity can be waived.

I've said before I wouldn't be saddened if the USA split up, maybe I'll go further and remove the caveat of my desire for minimal violence and suffering during any such civil war.

You have a greater proportion of gun wielding arseholes than anywhere else. Enjoy.
You (and your little gang) need to get over your precious self and come live in the real world….where no-one gives a shit about your list of petty grievances and grudges.
You (and your little gang) need to get over your precious self and come live in the real world….where no-one gives a shit about your list of petty grievances and grudges.

I don't have a little gang, people posting views similar to mine are posting their own views without any co-ordination or prior communication with me. At least I'm not part of a WhatsApp group if one exists.

She is concerned she won't get a fair trial because of the bad publicity generated by her own actions i.e. fleeing. Problematic isn't it? Although she probably didn't foresee the determination of Harry Dunn's family, I don't think many would have.

When asked why she had refused to return to the UK, Sacoolas' lawyer told the court: "Her fear is that with the tremendous media attention she will receive, she’s concerned she will not receive fair treatment with the press and the local community. She is fearful upon her return and concerned and she’s certainly apologetic and accepts full responsibility for causing this accident."

This is one of your judges, not someone holding "a petty grudge".

The presiding judge T. S. Ellis III replied: "Accepting full responsibility doesn’t mean you run away, it means you stay there and face it. You shouldn’t overplay the full responsibility card."

Handing down his judgment, Ellis said: "While it is commendable that defendant Anne Sacoolas admits that she was negligent and that her negligence caused Harry Dunn’s death, this does not equate acceptance of responsibility. ... Full acceptance of responsibility entails facing those harmed by her negligence and taking responsibility for her acts where they occurred, in the United Kingdom."[
Evidence? Well lets see - the US found that Russians hacked the Dems email servers and those emails were then dumped on the Wiki leaks site at a key point to help Trump win the 2016 election. That dump was 100% co-ordinated between the Trump campaign and Russia - it's all in the Muller report. What more do you want?

As for what he uncovered - if he reported them in a responsible way then fair enough. But he didnt he dumps it all, its a maximum damage exercise including names and addresses. Its not a journalistic endevour. No respectable news outlet would do anything like this. Its Russian interference with a thin layer of anonymity.

I hope he spills the beans in the US although clearly he could have sort to do a deal at any time and instead he has chosen to run. He is a traitor and deserves locking up.

WikiLeaks publishes documents from anonymous sources. Where they come from is far less important. Should we automatically discredit claims made against China because they come from western governments? Again, the public has a right to know what crimes are being committed in their names. Those crimes were not exposed by the BBC, Sky News, CNN, Fox News, or any of the other mouthpieces for western governments.

And again, even if documents were obtained from Russia, it wouldn’t in and of itself discredit the evidence presented. Frankly, I couldn’t care less about Clinton’s emails, unless they showed serious criminal activity. I care far more about the war crimes committed in Iraq and Afghanistan. The world needs organisations like WikiLeaks because mainstream media has failed (by design) to keep politicians accountable.
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I don't have a little gang, people posting views similar to mine are posting their own views without any co-ordination or prior communication with me. At least I'm not part of a WhatsApp group if one exists.

She is concerned she won't get a fair trial because of the bad publicity generated by her own actions i.e. fleeing. Problematic isn't it? Although she probably didn't foresee the determination of Harry Dunn's family, I don't think many would have.

When asked why she had refused to return to the UK, Sacoolas' lawyer told the court: "Her fear is that with the tremendous media attention she will receive, she’s concerned she will not receive fair treatment with the press and the local community. She is fearful upon her return and concerned and she’s certainly apologetic and accepts full responsibility for causing this accident."

This is one of your judges, not someone holding "a petty grudge".

The presiding judge T. S. Ellis III replied: "Accepting full responsibility doesn’t mean you run away, it means you stay there and face it. You shouldn’t overplay the full responsibility card."

Handing down his judgment, Ellis said: "While it is commendable that defendant Anne Sacoolas admits that she was negligent and that her negligence caused Harry Dunn’s death, this does not equate acceptance of responsibility. ... Full acceptance of responsibility entails facing those harmed by her negligence and taking responsibility for her acts where they occurred, in the United Kingdom."[
Lovely words…

I don’t write the rules, but I can usually read them.

If the rules said she should be extradited, she would be.

I honestly don’t care what happens to her. I can’t spare the emotional angst required to care about every person who does something they shouldn’t and work the system (in place) to save their arse or avoid punishment.

I’m fairly strict on matters of law and order. The problem here is the law, not the order.

I’m sure the Dunn family is devastated and wants Justice…in their eyes. However, by now, they must realize they’re probably not going to get the Justice they seek. If they do, more power to them.

And, if it was my son, I’d move Heaven and Earth to try to achieve it, too.

The problem is not that he was run down, or that we don’t know who did it, or how. The problem is the “wrong” person ran him down, and that has made the Justice they seek almost impossible.

It is the world we live in.

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