Just Stop Oil protests

I didn't say they inadvertently blocked a road, if you can't even read a post properly you ain't much use. Think of what you are saying in jail eveyday for 2 years for a non violent proteat.

3 stooges it is.
So they didnt block a road or arrange to block a road or incite the blocking of a road? They may have right of appeal.

I have to go to the TV room now for our late night Saturday Film, but when your done with all your empty bottles can you just leave them with a member of moderation for means of easy cleanup. Your a bad man Hilts : /
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The guy inadvertently stopped someone getting to a funeral 2 years ago. Never said those who got sent down inadvertently did anything. Like I said you can't seem to do the basics of reading posts.

You've probably had a few.
So let me get this right, are you actually defending these CUNTS, lets just hope you're never in a life or death situation because your 'mates' aren't gonna let you pass.
China are building two coal fired power stations every month and have been for sometime. When do you have them down to stop?
Those power stations burn large amounts of dirty coal which is super polluting.
Trump said this wasn’t a problem as you could just wash the coal.
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He's probably had a t-shirt printed saying "I just stopped Just Stop Oil".

I've just read the sentencing remarks, which you should read yourself.

Hallam was a significant repeat offender, having been convicted of around a dozen previous offences. He was in breach of an injunction and on bail.

According to HHC Hehir, they planned significant disruption, far more than they achieved, as the police had some warning. They wanted to achieve complete gridlock in London but, even having failed to do that, caused significant inconvenience and even harm to members of the public. They also engaged in disruptive behaviour during the trial itself.

There are many issues with the criminal justice system, as I'm sure you know, but I think they got what they deserved in this case.
My point was a much wider one than the mere limits of the offending and the proportionality of any sentence imposed.

Either you believe human behaviour is having a hugely harmful, and potentially catastrophic impact on this planet’s environment or you do not. This impact isn’t just limited to climate change btw but also things such as plastics in the ocean and the widespread depletion of the animal world’s natural habitat.

If you do accept that impact is real and significant then in a few years time, the sentencing remarks of this HHJ will not read at all well; in fact they would serve as an exemplar of the manifest lack of appreciation for the scale and impact of those issues.

Personally, I believe that our species is having a hugely deleterious effect on the planet and that this will get much worse, and therefore this whole criminal process will come to be viewed through that prism in the future.

I believe people will look back and think we knew the signs were there but carried on regardless, including thinking relatively minor inconvenience to people in a vain attempt to stop this widespread destruction warranted such severe punishment in the overall scheme of what is at stake here.
at least the bastard didn't glue his hand to the road - then he'd have faced jailtime

The justice system is fucked, of that there can be no doubt.

Sending those selfish pricks down for five years was deserved, given the repeated warnings they were given and the fact they will probably only serve two years max; the gross injustice around that poor lad doesn't detract from that.
My point was a much wider one than the mere limits of the offending and the proportionality of any sentence imposed.

Either you believe human behaviour is having a hugely harmful, and potentially catastrophic impact on this planet’s environment or you do not. This impact isn’t just limited to climate change btw but also things such as plastics in the ocean and the widespread depletion of the animal world’s natural habitat.

If you do accept that impact is real and significant then in a few years time, the sentencing remarks of this HHJ will not read at all well; in fact they would serve as an exemplar of the manifest lack of appreciation for the scale and impact of those issues.

Personally, I believe that our species is having a hugely deleterious effect on the planet and that this will get much worse, and therefore this whole criminal process will come to be viewed through that prism in the future.

I believe people will look back and think we knew the signs were there but carried on regardless, including thinking relatively minor inconvenience to people in a vain attempt to stop this widespread destruction warranted such severe punishment in the overall scheme of what is at stake here.
It's not the judge's job to decide whether climate change is a threat or not. It's his job to apply and uphold the law. I wouldn't have thought that I needed to explain that to you, of all people.
It's not the judge's job to decide whether climate change is a threat or not. It's his job to apply and uphold the law. I wouldn't have thought that I needed to explain that to you, of all people.
You don’t need to explain that to me. Ridiculous thing to post. I was talking about the context of what he has said in his sentencing remarks and how that would likely be viewed historically, as we continue to destroy the planet. That was plain upon the face of what I posted.

What about the sentencing remarks of the judge who sent Derek Bentley to the gallows? He too was applying and upholding the law as it stood at the time. Does society view those remarks in the same way now as it did then?

Hopefully I’ve sufficiently explained my previous post to you in order that you now understand it.

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