Just Stop Oil protests

I don't think these protest are peaceful.
I think they are downright provocative and dangerous.

Education and reasoning are the only way to make changes.
People are stubborn. Telling them to do something they don't believe in, will not work.

I just switched to an electric car. Not because Greta Thundacunt told me to.
Because they finally become an affordable alternative to my ICE car. It also makes more sense for the kind of use and mileage we do.

You cannot just ban something because it doesn't affect you personally, and because you believe it's right.
You have to give people realistic alternatives.

I do understand the chicken and the egg principle though. Without some restrictions, people would never go green.
Early adopters have been rinsed with early solar panels and EV's. The same with heat pumps for heating a house.
But eventually, technology gets there and can offer a better way for less money.

Now can we get back to paper straws. Another invention that was forced upon before it was ready!

Great post mate.
Arabella and Rupert are really cross with the judge as well.

They'd go to his house and protest but the number 239 that goes past his house is a diesel bus and quite frankly with the vegan diet they are on they haven't got the energy to walk.
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She was brought up to know right from wrong?
Typical upper class toffs who believe the law doesn't apply to them.
With a jail sentence and as a convicted criminal her life is now fucked.
You reap what you sow...
With the nee 40% rule out in 2 years straight into a job at Iceland on the rehabilitation programme.
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Not sure where youre coming from as:
Her mother confirmed point 1.
Point 2 is debatable I guess.
Points 3 and 4 are correct
If her Ma confirmed point 1 then why the question mark?
How does he know the family are 'upper class' or indeed 'toffs'? And if they are, how is that 'typical behaviour'? Does every 'upper class toff' think they're above the law?
Plenty of people do time, come out and have a perfectly normal life. And if she is from a family of 'upper class toffs' her life will not 'be fucked' in any way. She won't be going in a half-way house and living on the rock'n'roll on release.
The notion that everyone will 'reap what they sow' is bollocks. I know plenty of twats who behave like wankers yet live a life of Reilly without any consequences for their twatty actions.
The whole post is founded on presumption, revenge and envy.
If her Ma confirmed point 1 then why the question mark?
How does he know the family are 'upper class' or indeed 'toffs'? And if they are, how is that 'typical behaviour'? Does every 'upper class toff' think they're above the law?
Plenty of people do time, come out and have a perfectly normal life. And if she is from a family of 'upper class toffs' her life will not 'be fucked' in any way. She won't be going in a half-way house and living on the rock'n'roll on release.
The notion that everyone will 'reap what they sow' is bollocks. I know plenty of twats who behave like wankers yet live a life of Reilly without any consequences for their twatty actions.
The whole post is founded on presumption, revenge and envy.
There is no if. Her mother stated this to the cameras as she read out a statement to the press.

I did say her upbringing was debatable as, I have no idea of her background.

She is the one who consciously, and not for the first time broke the law and serving time now for doing so.

Reaping what you sow simply means she now carries the stigma of having a police record and facing any consequences of such through her life.

Very little presumption in his post and no idea why you allude to revenge and envy
Is it possible to agree with the rule of law and think that sentences are wholly disproportionate and the Tory anti-protest laws were brought in to curtail civil liberties?
She had already been convicted in court three times, and it seems the last time was a suspended sentence, so she new very well what would happen if she broke the law again

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