Just Stop Oil protests

Why are the vast vast majority of these climate headcases invariably white, middle/upper middle class, highly affluent lunatics?
You don’t see a lot of Asian plumbers on their protests.

Barely a generation of working people having warm dry homes and safe personal transport has not in any way been able to override a planets ecosystem that has tickled along very nicely for 6-8 billion years.

The whole climate argument is just the acceptable face of keeping working people poor, and keeping nice holidays the preserve of the very rich.

Behave (last 2 paragraphs)
I don't think these protest are peaceful.
I think they are downright provocative and dangerous.

Education and reasoning are the only way to make changes.
People are stubborn. Telling them to do something they don't believe in, will not work.

I just switched to an electric car. Not because Greta Thundacunt told me to.
Because they finally become an affordable alternative to my ICE car. It also makes more sense for the kind of use and mileage we do.

You cannot just ban something because it doesn't affect you personally, and because you believe it's right.
You have to give people realistic alternatives.

I do understand the chicken and the egg principle though. Without some restrictions, people would never go green.
Early adopters have been rinsed with early solar panels and EV's. The same with heat pumps for heating a house.
But eventually, technology gets there and can offer a better way for less money.

Now can we get back to paper straws. Another invention that was forced upon before it was ready!
5 years in jail doesn't mean 5 years in jail though does it. They'll be out in 2 or 3 which sounds about right for what they actually did and should be enough 9f a deterrent for the other Just Stop Oil protesters.
That's quite easy as you ain't doing it. From a suspended sentence a short sentence may well have sufficed. There is no point in sending someone like them to jail for a long period of time.
You can google the judges reasoning behind the sentences.

Evidence was given of calculated planning even involving a mathematical model to maximise disruption. This is not a protest. Members of the public gave evidence of:

a. missed flights
b. missed funerals
c. student exam delays
d. a special needs student who was delayed going to school and getting medication
e. somebody with an aggressive form of cancer missed a critical appointment and had to wait 2 months for another
f. people late for work
g. a truck with £5,000 of hospital food delayed
h. a police motorcyclist responding to the incident was involved in an accident and injured

The guy sentenced to the most years had a long record of past convictions and was already serving a suspended sentence community order for disrupting Heathrow with drones in 2017.

He said in court that he was the most influential environmentalist except David Attenborough.... These people are not protesters, they're narcissistic maniacs.

Protests by their nature are disruptive whether they be strikes, over wars or the environment. 5 years is too much imho. Others don't agree but mainly its the pathetic sneering by grown men getting irate because maybe one day they may be late for work.
They have shown consistently they really only care about themselves, its their attitude overall that stinks imho. Give me a protester trying to do the right thing and getting carried away over any of these arseholes any day.
A small sentence and promise of a bigger one would have been enough.
The powers that be wanted a statement made though.
Protests by their nature are disruptive whether they be strikes, over wars or the environment. 5 years is too much imho. Others don't agree but mainly its the pathetic sneering by grown men getting irate because maybe one day they may be late for work.
They have shown consistently they really only care about themselves, its their attitude overall that stinks imho. Give me a protester trying to do the right thing and getting carried away over any of these arseholes any day.
A small sentence and promise of a bigger one would have been enough.
The powers that be wanted a statement made though.

To be fair you are probably one of the genuine posters regarding this subject and I get your message just not the way it's being delivered.

You can only say "fuck you" so many times until the Dog bites and boy has it just bitten.
To be fair you are probably one of the genuine posters regarding this subject and I get your message just not the way it's being delivered.

You can only say "fuck you" so many times until the Dog bites and boy has it just bitten.
What people don't realise(they probably do but just don't want to deal with it) is that to these people and other groups this is as serious as any war, its as noble a fight as any miscarriage of justice or of any suppression of peoples rights. After decades of attempted reason, science and pretty much begging governments to do the right thing and the apathy of the public this was always gonna happen.
Wars and revolutions have been fought for many different reasons and some were inevitable. Not many were cancelled to prevent Nigel from accounts missing his meeting:-)
This is a obviously a difference of opinion on how important this is I'm just staggered how subservient to the establishment some/most people are.

I'm actually amazed things haven't turned really ugly by now.
To be fair you are probably one of the genuine posters regarding this subject and I get your message just not the way it's being delivered.

You can only say "fuck you" so many times until the Dog bites and boy has it just bitten.
I cannot see any other way it can be delivered. What hasn't been tried up to this point?

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