Just Stop Oil protests

What people don't realise(they probably do but just don't want to deal with it) is that to these people and other groups this is as serious as any war, its as noble a fight as any miscarriage of justice or of any suppression of peoples rights. After decades of attempted reason, science and pretty much begging governments to do the right thing and the apathy of the public this was always gonna happen.
Wars and revolutions have been fought for many different reasons and some were inevitable. Not many were cancelled to prevent Nigel from accounts missing his meeting:-)
This is a obviously a difference of opinion on how important this is I'm just staggered how subservient to the establishment some/most people are.

I'm actually amazed things haven't turned really ugly by now.

Think it’s one of those where future generations will be looking back and rather than thinking they’re middle class “tarquins”, they’ll be thinking why the fuck the rest of us didn’t have the same understanding, passion and vitriol as they did.
I cannot see any other way it can be delivered. What hasn't been tried up to this point?

The shit we have in just our country the filth on the streets and we as people mainly just walk past it because it's someone elses problem.

I genuinely seriously get that but if these protestors don't start targeting oil based businesses and government then they are just going to piss off the general public.

What have we got 70 mllion people on this island, we are producing waste on a massive scale, what's the solutio? bring more people in because we are too lazy to do it ourselves.

Humans are geniuses.
Protests by their nature are disruptive whether they be strikes, over wars or the environment. 5 years is too much imho. Others don't agree but mainly its the pathetic sneering by grown men getting irate because maybe one day they may be late for work.
They have shown consistently they really only care about themselves, its their attitude overall that stinks imho. Give me a protester trying to do the right thing and getting carried away over any of these arseholes any day.
A small sentence and promise of a bigger one would have been enough.
The powers that be wanted a statement made though.
Protests are disruptive which is why protest organisers work with the Police to plan routes and minimise disruption. There is a difference though between the inevitable disruption caused by any protest and the protest being organised specifically to disrupt.

I don't have a problem with them taking direct action but I don't have a problem with them being put in prison for it either. That is how society balances law and order.
What people don't realise(they probably do but just don't want to deal with it) is that to these people and other groups this is as serious as any war, its as noble a fight as any miscarriage of justice or of any suppression of peoples rights. After decades of attempted reason, science and pretty much begging governments to do the right thing and the apathy of the public this was always gonna happen.
Wars and revolutions have been fought for many different reasons and some were inevitable. Not many were cancelled to prevent Nigel from accounts missing his meeting:-)
This is a obviously a difference of opinion on how important this is I'm just staggered how subservient to the establishment some/most people are.

I'm actually amazed things haven't turned really ugly by now.
Brilliant and very noble the slight flaw being that the last time Earth was sustainable was the end of the 18th century when the population was around 1 billion, now thanks to our new sustainable power sources hydro wind solar etc. we could probably support double that where does that leave the other 6 billion. I’m pretty sure they’d be doing more than glueing themselves to the road things would get ugly then, until either we cut our population or our technology advances that much we can divest ourselves of fossil fuels we’re stuck with them and all the orange paint chuckers in the world won’t change that.
Think it’s one of those where future generations will be looking back and rather than thinking they’re middle class “tarquins”, they’ll be thinking why the fuck the rest of us didn’t have the same understanding, passion and vitriol as they did.
Its just history repeating itself


Then eventually yeah sorry we should have listened more, acted quicker, we must do better next time. Lessons must be learnt.

How often do we hear them repeat that.

Anyhow it is what it is. The greens have lost but fair play for trying.
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Protests are disruptive which is why protest organisers work with the Police to plan routes and minimise disruption. There is a difference though between the inevitable disruption caused by any protest and the protest being organised specifically to disrupt.

I don't have a problem with them taking direct action but I don't have a problem with them being put in prison for it either. That is how society balances law and order.
You will find all my posts were about the length of the sentence and not about avoiding custody. So your view on protests are okay if the disruption is nil or minimal? Whatever minimal means in the context of a protest.

That'll kick ass:-)
Brilliant and very noble the slight flaw being that the last time Earth was sustainable was the end of the 18th century when the population was around 1 billion, now thanks to our new sustainable power sources hydro wind solar etc. we could probably support double that where does that leave the other 6 billion. I’m pretty sure they’d be doing more than glueing themselves to the road things would get ugly then, until either we cut our population or our technology advances that much we can divest ourselves of fossil fuels we’re stuck with them and all the orange paint chuckers in the world won’t change that.

Beats well it has been sunny before or coz well China. Your opinion is that it is hopeless but personally I'm glad others haven't given up so easily.
Apathy or acceptance isn't a valid excuse for me but if that's where you are at we are at a stalemate.

Least you didn't call a girl a **** though:-)
What people don't realise(they probably do but just don't want to deal with it) is that to these people and other groups this is as serious as any war, its as noble a fight as any miscarriage of justice or of any suppression of peoples rights. After decades of attempted reason, science and pretty much begging governments to do the right thing and the apathy of the public this was always gonna happen.
Wars and revolutions have been fought for many different reasons and some were inevitable. Not many were cancelled to prevent Nigel from accounts missing his meeting:-)
This is a obviously a difference of opinion on how important this is I'm just staggered how subservient to the establishment some/most people are.

I'm actually amazed things haven't turned really ugly by now.
If things do turn even uglier then they'll just have tougher sentences handed down to them, and their only success will to be to become more hated than they already are. They're achieving nothing meaningful with their antics.
If things do turn even uglier then they'll just have tougher sentences handed down to them, and their only success will to be to become more hated than they already are. They're achieving nothing meaningful with their antics.

A bit like republicans who achieve nothing but self angst, although this lot actually have a point.

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