Justice doesn't exists in this country

levets said:
BluePurgatory said:
No your wrong BB they dont even have to do that anymore, they have plenty of speed cameras doing it for them. Lets face it we no longer have a Police Force we have a farce. Sack the lot of them. Lets face it, its not as if we would miss them! and while I am at it get rid of the CPS (Criminal Protection Service) and the fat liberal judges.

We don't have a police 'force' anymore... they refer to it as a Police 'service'....

And they don't even hide behind hedge rows with cameras anymore.... civilians are doing it for them....

There's only a police force if you are a G7 Protester or a Trades Unionist. Apart from that Levets is right, they do customer service and wear name tags if you fall foul of scum.
Challenger, you know what to do. Have a cast-iron alibi with solid people.
Do what that gerard butler did in law abiding citizen and just make sure they have no evidence, the scumbags don't deserve to be treated with any respect
I have a few questions....

1 - eye transplants? can this even happen?

2 - your brother couldn't see who was banging on the car window (no more than say 6 inches away) as his eye sight was that poor? yet moments later he is out the car giving some bloke a shoeing? with eye sight that bad its lucky he didn't catch a innocent shopper walking past...

3 - when this bloke was on the floor and your brother was kicking him, did you dad genuinely believe he was defending his family by kicking a man while he was down?

I'm not looking for a slanging match, just posing a few questions, which I believe have not already been asked....
Timmmmahhhh said:
I have a few questions....

1 - eye transplants? can this even happen?

2 - your brother couldn't see who was banging on the car window (no more than say 6 inches away) as his eye sight was that poor? yet moments later he is out the car giving some bloke a shoeing? with eye sight that bad its lucky he didn't catch a innocent shopper walking past...

3 - when this bloke was on the floor and your brother was kicking him, did you dad genuinely believe he was defending his family by kicking a man while he was down?

I'm not looking for a slanging match, just posing a few questions, which I believe have not already been asked....

Let me answer no. 1 for you.....http://tinyurl.com/yckqdu3
smudgedj said:
Timmmmahhhh said:
I have a few questions....

1 - eye transplants? can this even happen?

2 - your brother couldn't see who was banging on the car window (no more than say 6 inches away) as his eye sight was that poor? yet moments later he is out the car giving some bloke a shoeing? with eye sight that bad its lucky he didn't catch a innocent shopper walking past...

3 - when this bloke was on the floor and your brother was kicking him, did you dad genuinely believe he was defending his family by kicking a man while he was down?

I'm not looking for a slanging match, just posing a few questions, which I believe have not already been asked....

Let me answer no. 1 for you.....http://tinyurl.com/yckqdu3

I thank you, it was a genuine question, you answered, in part....I took "eye transplant" as meaning the entire eye when in fact its specific parts of the eye!!
The Judges unfortunatly are so out of touch with reality these days, hence the crap sentances given out. They are okay in thier multi million pads with state of the art security but have little idea what its like for most.

Look at this one, on TV today saying Sikh's should be allowed to wear a knife in school/public places as its part of thier religion/outfit. If his kids went to a school say in inner London, would he want people allowed to have knifes inside the school?


And this one has been knighted also, shows you how senile they all are when a knight of the realm is saying knifes are okay
Justice doesn't exist.

I think the victim of this particulair assault would agree with you there.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/rl_star_spared_jail_sentence_for_taxi_rank_attack_1_669467?referrerPath=home" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/r ... rPath=home</a>
scowy68 said:
Justice doesn't exist.

I think the victim of this particulair assault would agree with you there.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/rl_star_spared_jail_sentence_for_taxi_rank_attack_1_669467?referrerPath=home" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/r ... rPath=home</a>

Absolutely pathetic.
bannblue said:
scowy68 said:
Justice doesn't exist.

I think the victim of this particulair assault would agree with you there.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/rl_star_spared_jail_sentence_for_taxi_rank_attack_1_669467?referrerPath=home" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.whitehaven-news.co.uk/news/r ... rPath=home</a>

Absolutely pathetic.

To be fair, he does work very hard and has never stamped on anybodies head before, and he did promise not to stamp on any innocent people again, so alls well that ends well!!

Oh, and he did play at wembley!!!!
I know both the victim,had one or two drinks with him in the past,by no means an angel himself,but didn't deserve this,and i know the assialant haven't worked with him in the past,big,strong lad,nornally quiet without ale and quite a clever lad.What they didn't tell people in court,the lad actually died and had to be revived!

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