Kalvin Phillips | Joins City on a 6-year deal

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Every team in every major league has a player who can do what Kalvin Phillips does, they're not exactly rare. I would have expected us to be looking for someone who has a bit more to offer so this potential signing really surprises me.
I get it and in general, I agree, but is he worth big money, and could we find anyone better?
Nah, you are so clever, so I'm waiting for your interpretation. He is a total midfielder. Totally worth 60M£.
My interpretation is for starters you are using stats from a season which has been injury hit for Phillips. Hardly fair.

I don’t think anyone has ever said he’s a complete midfielder.
Did this graph recommend him Mane, Salah, Diaz, Fabinho, or Andy Robertson?
Don’t know and quite frankly don’t care. Go and sign up to RAWK and you can praise him for that single prem* won during covid

I’d rather have the scouts of the premier league champions than the ones that finish second. Just me though.
Don’t leave us hanging
Ha ha yeah reading my post back I could have worded it a bit better I think.

I actually think the majority and I include you gus post in good faith and probably hear stuff and pass it on with integrity and in the spirit it is meant.

Football transfer business is notorious for being unreliable and prone to change up until the last second. Have a listen to under the cosh podcast and hear of footballers talking about nearly signing for such and such club and it going in a different direction at the last moment. It can never be an exact science and like I say most is guess work.

I hope I have worded it better now as it was maybe not the earlier post I intended it to be. (Sounded better in my head if you know what I mean)

You can cherry-pick stats to fuel almost any argument you want. Here's a comparison of Rodri and Phillips from 20/21 where Phillips comes out on top in most defensive stats. He also put in 77 crosses to Rod's 14, was dispossessed fewer times, and made five times as many big chances (5 to 1 according to the official Prem site).

Does this mean Phillips is better? Absolutely not. Do random pie chart comparisons of an injury-hit season mean he's crap? Absolutely not. They're different players at different clubs with totally different situations and styles.

I don't know why people are getting so worked up about this particular transfer possibility. And before Gus (who I also reluctantly put on ignore due to his attitude) starts coming back with "But this is a forum! We're allowed to debate!" - I completely agree.

It's perfectly fine to express an opinion, to suggest alternatives you think would be better, to doubt the transfer, and so on. What I, and I think a few others, have a problem with is the sneering, snide, bad faith attitude with which so many of those comments seem to be delivered. Throwing around words like "cultists" for people who have a different opinion to you or acting high and mighty because you "look at stats", as if others don't, or as if our own club's scouting department, who frankly have barely put a foot wrong since Pep arrived, are somehow a bunch of charlatans for even considering Phillips in the first place. The way some people comment in this thread, it almost sounds like they're hoping the lad does sign and then turns out to be crap, just so they can come back here and rub it in everyone's faces. It's a weird way to support the club, IMO.

It's just a shame. I'm not looking to start another argument here, as that's not what I visit the forum for. I enjoy debate and discussion and other ideas and mostly just read what others have to say and think about their ideas. But all of that becomes far less enjoyable when there's nastiness and attitudes going around.
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You can cherry-pick stats to fuel almost any argument you want. Here's a comparison of Rodri and Phillips from 20/21 where Phillips comes out on top in most defensive stats. He also put in 77 crosses to Rod's 14, was dispossessed fewer times, and made five times as many big chances (5 to 1 according to the official Prem site).

Does this mean Phillips is better? Absolutely not. Do random pie chart comparisons of an injury-hit season mean he's crap? Absolutely not. They're different players at different clubs with totally different situations and styles.

I don't know why people are getting so worked up about this particular transfer possibility. And before Gus (who I also reluctantly put on ignore due to his attitude) starts coming back with "But this is a forum! We're allowed to debate!" - I completely agree.

It's perfectly fine to express an opinion, to suggest alternatives you think would be better, to doubt the transfer, and so on. What I, and I think a few others, have a problem with is the sneering, snide, bad faith attitude with which so many of those comments seem to be delivered. Throwing around words like "cultists" for people who have a different opinion to you or acting high and mighty because you "look at stats", as if others don't, or as if our own club's scouting department, who frankly have barely put a foot wrong since Pep arrived, are somehow a bunch of charlatans for even considering Phillips in the first place. The way some people comment in this thread, it almost sounds like they're hoping the lad does sign and then turns out to be crap, just so they can come back here and rub it in everyone's faces. It's a weird way to support the club, IMO.

It's just a shame. I'm not looking to start another argument here, as that's not what I visit the forum for. I enjoy debate and discussion and other ideas and mostly just read what others have to say and think about their ideas. But all of that becomes far less enjoyable when there's nastiness and attitudes going around.
What is a shame? That some people suggest spending the money in a much more effective way? This is Aston Villa's level of transfer from me = big money for not a big player.
What is a shame? That some people suggest spending the money in a much more effective way?
You have ZERO idea if spending money on someone else rather than Phillips would be a "much more effective way". You're just a lad on the internet posting pie charts. The sooner you understand that the tone of your posts will vastly improve.
Don’t know and quite frankly don’t care. Go and sign up to RAWK and you can praise him for that single prem* won during covid

I’d rather have the scouts of the premier league champions than the ones that finish second. Just me though.
You might want to know that the Premier League Champions have the biggest and, along side Liverpool, the best analytics department in the World. So giving Liverpool credit does not mean we are more effective scribbling a name on the back of a fag packet. We operate along the same lines..and even more so when they are nicking our data!
What is a shame? That some people suggest spending the money in a much more effective way? This is Aston Villa's level of transfer from me = big money for not a big player.
While I agree that analytics is important you have to ask yourself why City have come to this conclusion given that their analytics are extremely advanced themselves and might be an improvement over what we can see on the internet.
For who did we pay £80m apart from Grealish?

Leeds wants 60M£ for him, so let's pay more for Rodri's back up than for Rodri :)

Where did I say we had, but the boys who have turned up in recent years want every signing to be a huge superstar.

If Leeds want that amount then that is up to them. Value is determined by the seller and the buyer not no nothings on a football forum.
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