Kamala Harris

Yes. Fantastic play-on-words.

Very original.

Humour me; what "far exceeded" your "hopes and wishes"?
I didn't expect the complete and total annihilation we saw last night, and I didn't expect Trump to basically shit himself live on TV and start shouting at the moon. Harris had him on strings all night.

Very impressed with Harris' performance last night, thought she played it just right. And I don't think Trump could have performed any worse than he did.

Just hoping that performance translates to votes.
I didn't expect the complete and total annihilation we saw last night, and I didn't expect Trump to basically shit himself live on TV and start shouting at the moon. Harris had him on strings all night.

Very impressed with Harris' performance last night, thought she played it just right. And I don't think Trump could have performed any worse than he did.

Just hoping that performance translates to votes.

Interesting. Clearly seeing what you want to see.

Trump is dumb as a rock and has no oratory skills in debate. But, you know what? In his diatribe he throws out truth, exaggeration and lies and Harris didn't actually deny a lot of it, just skipped around the direct accusations.

If you think that's great convincing of the American people that she's 'the one', you've got another thing coming. He asked her why the Dems have kept his policies if he was so bad and she ignored it.

Very telling for the people that actually listen to what the debate was.

The "joyful" voices on here 2 weeks ago have gone relatively quiet as the polls that had her scores ahead, have her level or behind now and this debate performance did not help her one bit.

Time will tell.
I didn't expect the complete and total annihilation we saw last night, and I didn't expect Trump to basically shit himself live on TV and start shouting at the moon. Harris had him on strings all night.

Very impressed with Harris' performance last night, thought she played it just right. And I don't think Trump could have performed any worse than he did.

Just hoping that performance translates to votes.
It gladdened me, but none of it surprised me. Why would it? Patently obvious for years that he's incapable and unprepared and stupid. All I was worried about was a major gaffe by her, which she avoided, so the concentration of the entirety of objective observers (which doesn't include the British Grover Dill who posts here) is on her strong performance, and not on some big mistake, or even a little one. But I share your hopes. Will be interesting to see if round 2 materializes. My guess is it will go pretty much the same way.
I didn't expect the complete and total annihilation we saw last night, and I didn't expect Trump to basically shit himself live on TV and start shouting at the moon. Harris had him on strings all night.

Very impressed with Harris' performance last night, thought she played it just right. And I don't think Trump could have performed any worse than he did.

Just hoping that performance translates to votes.

The muted microphones absolutely destroyed him. Sorry if this has already been posted a few pages ago, but I can’t remember in any debate someone landing a point this well and he just stands there timidly and takes it.

For the more savvy minded, it's actually more like the Red Scum fielding their first choice amalgamated eleven, from over the years, against Wycombe Wanderers and coming out with a 0-0 draw.

She looked like she had no comebacks against a guy clearly trying a scattergun approach, hitting some marks and failing badly on others.

Called her a liar several times with her own lie retort back only a couple of times. His bullshit dominated her bullshit, but BOTH bullshit!

His jibe at her world leader experience and her stuttered response was clearly telling and it wounded her.

Did she sound confident and presidential? Did she fuck!

Overall, it was like watching a Bum Fight! LOL!

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Interesting. Sounds like more of the same shit, but on a different day...

It’s so fucking funny watch you twist yourself up in knots trying to pretend Trump didn’t get absolutely smoked last night.
You're an idiot.

If she was so 'talented' in debate, she'd have direct replies to his accusations. She sidestepped them! Try objective listening.

His accusations like “she wants billions of people crossing the border every day” and “illegal immigrants are eating cats” got exactly the responses they deserved and he didn’t make a single serious policy argument all night because he has no actual policies.

When even Fox News watchers can accept he lost the debate and you think it was a 0-0 then you’re completely detached from reality.

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