Kamala Harris

She won’t, I don’t think. She can’t win to start. It’s a tough spot. I’d like her, politically. But it’s administrative. Like a CEO with charisma and great ideas but no organizational skills. She’s aware of her failings, kind of. Again — according to a guy I know, but I guy I know well and trust. But there are plenty of stories about this issue available. My buddy is one of the sources.

Just frustrating to see her maligned by people with no real understanding of the personal issues at hand. California politics is very tight. Already shared: I grew up with Pelosi’s kids. She and my mother are friends, or were eons ago before Nancy was elected to Congress. Went to college with her daughter Teen who dated one of my friends (I have some good stories). Her nephew is a very good friend and in my business too. The woman who cuts Gavin Newsom’s hair cuts my whole family’s too. She goes to Sacramento every four weeks. And so it goes. I’m no one in politics here but one step removed from some of it. Have my own views on all that public stuff but it’s fucking frustrating when it gets personal and people who don’t know shit start yammering.
Well youve definitely got me sold mate. Yammer on
I like her.
strong and speaks well.
look forward to the day she becomes the first ever Women President.
She has everything required to be a strong leader and bring about real change. Unfortunately at present with us politics so polarised she alienates somewhere just either side of 50% of the electorate. This is why Biden with his more consiliatary approach is the right person in the right place at the right time. If he manages to heal the damage of trump and bring the republican vote back further towards the centre then in a few years Harris may be a real success.
I love reading some of this shit from know-nothings.

Kamala’s lawyer — now on her staff in DC — is one of my good friends. I’ve had extensive discussions with him about her, her campaign, her thinking, her politics. We spent a week together on vacation last year.

I’ve said this before: she wasn’t, and isn’t, going to be the Democratic party’s standard bearer. She isn’t going to be Biden’s heir apparent. She’s a great person, and she’s horribly, fatally disorganized and an awful manager, which was her campaign’s undoing, and why she’s unsuited to the Presidency. Nothing to do with her politics. She’s detested because she’s a black woman on one side, and because she’s not “black enough” on the other (that’s her lawyer describing HER words).

Anyone who knows more about her personally than I do, post. Otherwise shut your mouth. Happy to discuss her politics, but once beyond that, you know nothing.

She has everything required to be a strong leader and bring about real change. Unfortunately at present with us politics so polarised she alienates somewhere just either side of 50% of the electorate. This is why Biden with his more consiliatary approach is the right person in the right place at the right time. If he manages to heal the damage of trump and bring the republican vote back further towards the centre then in a few years Harris may be a real success.
I'm extremely cynical that a woman could be elected. Too many men don't respect them and too many women let their opinions be given to them by their husbands. If I had my way we'd only elect women for the next 8 years and let them fix everything.
He won't bother contesting you.

Facts are facts and that's where he capitulates.

He's down to one retort every 4 weeks now as he blew his load of nonsense early without ACTUALLY doing any read up on the woman and her failings!!
I think its fair to say you have summarised his retorts in a nutshell Bigga in the past as succinctly as one can albeit despite the ignore support he seeks , he fails to take his own advice on political threads.

This is the case with this mob when they are actually presented with the facts who prefer the cancel culture brigade for the sale of it which has nothing to do with political persuasion when all is said and done.

He still thinks I am right wing because I quoted someone from Sky News on one occasion or referred to the service which they have branded right wing.

I know some conservatives and we have some decent debates on occasion and I wouldn't class them as dumb and dumber as this numpty generalises on all things red when it comes to making pointless barbs and often coming to the wrong conclusion.

Some actually still think Trump is not a sociopath despite the evidence to the contrary but so be it.

if he had bothered to actually read what I have posted he will see than our political views are aligned on some fronts and you can correct me if I am wrong but they don't lean to the right certainly not in my case but they would class Sanders as a right wing politician if it suited their narrative but the reason why I have a lot more respect for your views on the matters we disagree on is that you are well researched and use common sense to make your point.
I love reading some of this shit from know-nothings.

Kamala’s lawyer — now on her staff in DC — is one of my good friends. I’ve had extensive discussions with him about her, her campaign, her thinking, her politics. We spent a week together on vacation last year.

I’ve said this before: she wasn’t, and isn’t, going to be the Democratic party’s standard bearer. She isn’t going to be Biden’s heir apparent. She’s a great person, and she’s horribly, fatally disorganized and an awful manager, which was her campaign’s undoing, and why she’s unsuited to the Presidency. Nothing to do with her politics. She’s detested because she’s a black woman on one side, and because she’s not “black enough” on the other (that’s her lawyer describing HER words).

Anyone who knows more about her personally than I do, post. Otherwise shut your mouth. Happy to discuss her politics, but once beyond that, you know nothing.
Good old race card again , I don't detest her , I think she is a poor politician and has no cut through or leadership acumen of any note and has been placed in a position well beyond her abilities and to date is either poorly briefed or has no understanding of basic issues that should be part of her brief.

people don't warm to me not because my word cannot be relied on and I cannot be trusted and I am hopeless at my job its because of the colour of my skin.

this is a forum buddy and anyone is free to voice their view or state facts about her history in politics just like you can but seem to refrain from doing to date.

I also know a lawyer of two and they rarely even off the record discuss clients to wannabe know it all's like you and even if they do , do you really think they are going to say anything other than she is a " great person " when they on on her operative list and part of their lifestyle is dependant on her.

No different if you talked to the lawyer of any politician of any persuasion before they are sacked or replaced.
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Good to get an opinion from an ITK rather than having skip past page of page of rubbish from a know nothing buffoon.

What's TRULY laughable is that he backs me up that she's a TERRIBLE choice of politician backed by her own staff and you have your tongue so far up his arse you're tickling his tonsils.

You're a complete idiot.
Good old race card again , I don't detest her , I think she is a poor politician and has no cut through or leadership acumen of any note and has been placed in a position well beyond her abilities and to date is either poorly briefed or has no understanding of basic issues that should be part of her brief.

people don't warm to me not because my word cannot be relied on and I cannot be trusted and I am hopeless at my job its because of the colour of my skin.

this is a forum buddy and anyone is free to voice their view or state facts about her history in politics just like you can but seem to refrain from doing to date.

I also know a lawyer of two and they rarely even off the record discuss clients to wannabe know it all's like you and even if they do , do you really think they are going to say anything other than she is a " great person " when they on her operative list and part of their lifestyle is dependant on her.

No different if you talked to the lawyer of any politician of any persuasion before they are sacked or replaced.

You know the thing is I called out Fogg Brain AGES ago about his status as how he wrote just SMACKED of money.

Isn't it odd, as you say, that he goes 'on holiday' for a week with her lawyer and he openly talks about her boss and her failings? What...?

Foggy Brain talks about how 'connected' he is to the rich and I called him out on his status (without knowing this much info back then) about him living in a gated community and not understanding the plight of the working class whilst he sat in his Ivory Tower.

Has he ever chastised Pelosi and her flaunting of wealth whilst telling people to wait? No, cos he's in a position of privilege who shares her views.

There are absolute fools on here that are onside with him because they're too 'woke' to understand that singing kumbaya with your opposition when they live VASTLY different lives is pure ideology. I can't remember him backing $15 minimum wage, even, and why he backs incrementalism!

I could go on, but I'm too busy being aghast at people that can't think for themselves.
What's TRULY laughable is that he backs me up that she's a TERRIBLE choice of politician backed by her own staff and you have your tongue so far up his arse you're tickling his tonsils.

You're a complete idiot.
He is brainwashed by his neurons that put up the dukes every time he sees Bigga etc for no purpose other than to remind him that Bigga and Co are the bad guys and must be told so.

if you changed your id to FogBlue he would like your posts but eventually would be reminded by his mob rule that he is liking someone that cannot be liked and will be cancelled or should I say ignored if he continues to do so.

the bloke cannot think for himself when it comes to this forum at least.

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