Kamala Harris

Everyone can hear what she's saying. I asked you to explain what she means.

You could have done that in your post to say it was 'quite obvious', but you deflected.

It's fine to admit you don't know, like everyone else does.
When you see the comment in context it’s very clear what it means.
If you watch a dumb video where the phrase is repeated without context it’s more difficult.
Do you honestly think she would repeatedly use it as part of her stump speech if it was just word salad like the shit you post or what Trump says.
Even a complete fucking moron should know this.
When you see the comment in context it’s very clear what it means.
If you watch a dumb video where the phrase is repeated without context it’s more difficult.
Do you honestly think she would repeatedly use it as part of her stump speech if it was just word salad like the shit you post or what Trump says.
Even a complete fucking moron should know this.

It's meant to be ambiguous. Harris' speaking style and language come from the field of Self-help. In each instance of using those words she's saying a pretty banal phrase but delivering to a room of strangers as if she's speaking directly to the individual and it's the first time she has said it.

Obama's "change we can believe" in and "Yes we can" came from the same place.

Politicians are salesmen. Not sure why Bigly has a hard time understanding this. If you're lucky they're like Obama, or Harris, and they actually believe in the product they're selling.

Apart from Trump of course, he's not a salesman he's a cult leader. It's just a wall of rambling garbage and lies. It's the circus and theatrics, the big top meets the big man in the sky.

It's not surprising that Bigly is in the cohort of people more attracted to Trump the doomsday cult leader than the strong woman giving a message of hope, empowerment and self-help.
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Yeah. That old myth that Stein fucked Clinton. I wonder if Stein was allowed to be part of the democratic process to be president?! If Clinton was so "popular", Stein's bid wouldn't have mattered. Correct? So, you're blaming the voter for the choice they made? And you're still "pissing into the wind, screaming into the abyss, and tilting at those windows" about it, even now!

Have you EVER notice Clinton takes no blame for anything, yet is the most universally disliked female politician in the US? Funny that!

But at least, ironically, you admit you're given choices the '1%' offer you and all you do is pick among them. Cos, yes, that's the real world.

We're halfway there
Jill Stein, who never stood a chance of anything, siphoned off more than enough votes in swing states. That’s real.

Not voting, thus giving others the opportunity to pick your President. That’s real.

Weak men despise strong women. That’s real.

The “choices” both still have to get the votes. That’s real.

Looks to me like ONLY ONE OF THE TWO OF US is being real, but that means you actually have stumbled onto some truth…we are halfway there!
The anti-China propaganda is too wild. Of course we need a wall! It's an attitude.
There is a wall, 100%. But VPN users are everywhere. Yes, it is illegal, but it is a "grey zone". One can easily find a vpn, pay 1 dollar a week, and access everything. 99.9% Chance no policeman pay any attention to you.
The Chinese government managed a balance between the individual freedom and the social stability. And that is appreciated by the general public.
All these things are a part of our culture. You know Chinese parents always want to impose strict discipline on their children. The way we view familiy affairs is similar to the way we view our country.
And every year, more than 100 million Chinese go abroad, travel, study, or bussiness trip. I don't think anything can be totally blocked.

Don't let the cunts with their "Chinese-bot" bullshit bully you into keeping quiet with their "oh, so clear" vision of whatever it is they have in their heads. I, for one, am interested in what you have to say even if I don't agree with some of what goes on in China. Different opinions make for thought-provoking debate, which is why I am quite enjoying @Bigga and @Dax777 fighting their corner even if I think they are both fruitcakes. Btw, I don't think you are a fruitcake at all.
The anti-China propaganda is too wild. Of course we need a wall! It's an attitude.
There is a wall, 100%. But VPN users are everywhere. Yes, it is illegal, but it is a "grey zone". One can easily find a vpn, pay 1 dollar a week, and access everything. 99.9% Chance no policeman pay any attention to you.
The Chinese government managed a balance between the individual freedom and the social stability. And that is appreciated by the general public.
All these things are a part of our culture. You know Chinese parents always want to impose strict discipline on their children. The way we view familiy affairs is similar to the way we view our country.
And every year, more than 100 million Chinese go abroad, travel, study, or bussiness trip. I don't think anything can be totally blocked.



In order to be a salesman you have to have something to sell. Which he doesn't. He isn't an [honest] salesman in that sense. He's a pressure salesman and fraudster.

Weird rants about electric sharks and Hannibal Lecter aren't sales techniques, they are distractions.
My first job was in sales and in many ways I still am - and so I can spot another salesman at a distance. And that’s exactly what he is. The fact he has nothing of substance to sell doesn’t alter that one bit in my eyes. Agree he’s a not an honest salesman, but he’s not on his own in that regard.
When you see the comment in context it’s very clear what it means.
If you watch a dumb video where the phrase is repeated without context it’s more difficult.
Do you honestly think she would repeatedly use it as part of her stump speech if it was just word salad like the shit you post or what Trump says.
Even a complete fucking moron should know this.
City can be ……………………………………………..

champions for a fifth time in a row.
America can be ………..

a country of opportunity and justice for all.

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