Kamala Harris

im not going to bite mate. Have fun though
Biden’s gone and the guy he was up against has as many mental deficiencies, if not more. That is obvious to anyone with a pair of eyes and ears.

It’s akin to slagging off the acting of Pamela Anderson in Baywatch, whilst simultaneously ignoring the equally wooden performance of David Hasselhoff.
So you really think dementia ridden Biden ran the country for the last four years? He couldn't utter a sentence, never mind run the most powerful country in the world. So if he wasn't running it, who was?
I am assuming the answer is lizards, but I am curious to see how you will prove it.
So we’ve got an ex-jailbird “they all suck” type, a “Trump isn’t a Dem; I like his policies” type, a Chinese bot and a deep-Stater conspiracy theorist.

What a group. No wonder Harris is surging in the polls. Who would ever want to spend any time with this collection of weird losers?
Lol... Apparently half the country :)
Oh, I “absorb” them!

However, what I don’t do is piss into the wind, scream into the abyss or tilt at windmills.

Unlike you, I live in the real world, where, as a peon with a vote, I vote for the best person in the race. Why would I do such a thing even though “billionaires” decided from whom I could choose? Because that’s the system and all the pissing, screaming and tilting in the world isn’t going to change that and ONE OF THEM is better than the other.

Oh wait, they all lie and all do the bidding of the billionaires!! Doh!

Color me stoopid, huh?

My eyes are wide open to the real world, even the seedy underbelly, but that doesn’t change the maths. ONE OF THEM WILL BE RULER OF THE BIGGEST, BADDEST MILITARY ON EARTH and will decide how the Government is used. I know which one I choose.


She’s the one that fucked Hillary and gave us Trump, just like Nader gave us Shrub over Gore, with the help of the Supremes!

Keep pissing into the wind, screaming into the abyss, and tilting at those windows…and much good may it do you.

Yeah. That old myth that Stein fucked Clinton. I wonder if Stein was allowed to be part of the democratic process to be president?! If Clinton was so "popular", Stein's bid wouldn't have mattered. Correct? So, you're blaming the voter for the choice they made? And you're still "pissing into the wind, screaming into the abyss, and tilting at those windows" about it, even now!

Have you EVER notice Clinton takes no blame for anything, yet is the most universally disliked female politician in the US? Funny that!

But at least, ironically, you admit you're given choices the '1%' offer you and all you do is pick among them. Cos, yes, that's the real world.

We're halfway there.

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