Kamala Harris

No thanks.
I find it difficult enough to comprehend stuff like how my taxes are being used by Starmer, Harris and Trump for anything, let alone murdering people.

I think I’ve made it clear in here multiple times, where I’m coming from. ;-)
I doubt your taxes are being used by any of those three.
I doubt your taxes are being used by any of those three.
That’s my point.

And if I may be serious for a short while, I already briefly stated in the Israel/Palestine thread that I am in agreement or at least happy with my government’s stance on Palestine and the region in general.

I don’t think any support towards any murder in the region is on display from them.

We are a neutral country but do supply UN troups to the region also.
Co-founder of Silver Lake, one of City's investors of course, just endorsed Harris in a letter signed by 88 US business leaders.

whilst highly welcome news I never get the American system thats so reliant on celeb endorsements. Its a broken system. Instead of looking at an considering policies people really vote for a candidate because a certain wrestler or actor endorses them.
whilst highly welcome news I never get the American system thats so reliant on celeb endorsements. Its a broken system. Instead of looking at an considering policies people really vote for a candidate because a certain wrestler or actor endorses them.
I certainly agree that many celebrities don't really have clue one about politics, and while there are a few "celebrity" CEOs on this list like Magic Johnson and Mark Cuban (Glenn of Silver Lake doesn't qualify by the way), the vast majority who have signed the letter just happen to run, or have run, businesses that in many cases are quite vital to the health of the U.S. economy. Especially as the GOP is more typically believed to be the business-friendly party, I'd suggest that pragmatists as well as more socially-conscious business leaders putting their necks out and pledging support for Harris is a positive sign.
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You neolibs and neocons living in gated communities and loving Pelosi type politicians that are Harris fans, should be glad to accept swimming in the sewer with the likes of the far right Chenies who have openly endorsed Harris!

Yes, Dick fucking Cheney who got the West into the wars over the false discovery of 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq, killing millions of people that, ironically, forced economic migration into the West! Basically, the most dangerous VP in US history, once a heartbeat away from being president when Bush choked on a peanut, is backing Harris!!

The Dems have successfully rehabilitated the Devil and Demon images of George H Bush and Dick Cheney and you people don't even blink about it.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds!!

Well done!
You neolibs and neocons living in gated communities and loving Pelosi type politicians that are Harris fans, should be glad to accept swimming in the sewer with the likes of the far right Chenies who have openly endorsed Harris!

Yes, Dick fucking Cheney who got the West into the wars over the false discovery of 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq, killing millions of people that, ironically, forced economic migration into the West! Basically, the most dangerous VP in US history, once a heartbeat away from being president when Bush choked on a peanut, is backing Harris!!

The Dems have successfully rehabilitated the Devil and Demon images of George H Bush and Dick Cheney and you people don't even blink about it.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds!!

Well done!
Because the orange, racial idiot has never been hypocritical.

You neolibs and neocons living in gated communities and loving Pelosi type politicians that are Harris fans, should be glad to accept swimming in the sewer with the likes of the far right Chenies who have openly endorsed Harris!

Yes, Dick fucking Cheney who got the West into the wars over the false discovery of 'weapons of mass destruction' in Iraq, killing millions of people that, ironically, forced economic migration into the West! Basically, the most dangerous VP in US history, once a heartbeat away from being president when Bush choked on a peanut, is backing Harris!!

The Dems have successfully rehabilitated the Devil and Demon images of George H Bush and Dick Cheney and you people don't even blink about it.

Your hypocrisy knows no bounds!!

Well done!
How many Bluemooners do you imagine live in gated communities?

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