Kamala Harris

One odd thing about the Harris/ democrat campaign is the keep saying how great things are going to be and what changes they'll make when they win (all great). But it seems to have escaped everyone's notice that they are already in the whitehouse and have been for a number of years and things are quite crap.

Harris is offering things she, simply, cannot get through the senate vote. The chance of the Dems winning both houses is remote.

Up until yesterday, latest, she hasn't actually had a policy on her website; it's just slogan promoting and a donation page!
Harris is offering things she, simply, cannot get through the senate vote. The chance of the Dems winning both houses is remote.

Up until yesterday, latest, she hasn't actually had a policy on her website; it's just slogan promoting and a donation page!
I have noticed the absence of actual policy but tbh put that down to the American way of doing politics. At this stage of the campaign things like the DNC just seem like a cross between the baftas and an episode of 'this is your life' but I think that's a razzle dazzle US showbiz thing rather than a Harris thing.
So, NATO has never sent troops for 'exercises' in countries within short access to Russian borders?

So This is Made Up, Then...?

What's with the disingenuous conflating of Harris and Pelosi?? I mentioned Pelosi, not Harris, in regard to the 'Roe V Wade' policy not to codify as well you know! So you ignored what I said about it.

So, if inflation occurred under Trump through covid, Biden also inherited the same covid issues and handled those 'issues' poorly. If Harris is citing 'price-gouging' as a 'policy', what stopped Biden enacting the same or similar action for policy within his tenure??

Doesn't surprise me the Clown liked your comment of conflation!

No point in discussing anything in bad faith, so I'm good with any potential reply.
And it doesn’t surprise me that you can’t help but make a derogatory reference to me in the middle of an absolute pile of verbal diarrhoea that is only worth reading for the comedy.
I'm still waiting for her to actually say something substantial.
I understand that the fact she isn't Trump is good enough for some, but I just find her a bit.... vacuous.
It's really sad that this is what it's got to.
I'm still waiting for her to actually say something substantial.
I understand that the fact she isn't Trump is good enough for some, but I just find her a bit.... vacuous.
It's really sad that this is what it's got to.
The only proper MORAL stance is that she isn't Trump.

If that's not good enough for anyone, that person is either stupid, uneducated or a ****, or two of the three, or all three.

This isn't an opinion. It's axiomatic.

Yeah, I wish I agreed with every single policy she's likely to put forth. Yeah, I wish she spoke like an Oxford professor, had Einstein's intelligence, the charisma of Margot Robbie and the work ethic of Nikola Tesla.

But I won't, and she doesn't.
One odd thing about the Harris/ democrat campaign is the keep saying how great things are going to be and what changes they'll make when they win (all great). But it seems to have escaped everyone's notice that they are already in the whitehouse and have been for a number of years and things are quite crap.
Republicans control Congress.
The only proper MORAL stance is that she isn't Trump.

If that's not good enough for anyone, that person is either stupid, uneducated or a ****, or two of the three, or all three.

This isn't an opinion. It's axiomatic.

Yeah, I wish I agreed with every single policy she's likely to put forth. Yeah, I wish she spoke like an Oxford professor, had Einstein's intelligence, the charisma of Margot Robbie and the work ethic of Nikola Tesla.

But I won't, and she doesn't.
It's still sodding ridiculous that you have either a nut job or a person who is seemingly on a tidal wave of support for not being that nut job to vote for though.
This is the country that produced JFK...what the fuck happened??
I have noticed the absence of actual policy but tbh put that down to the American way of doing politics. At this stage of the campaign things like the DNC just seem like a cross between the baftas and an episode of 'this is your life' but I think that's a razzle dazzle US showbiz thing rather than a Harris thing.

What is it? 90 days to go and no policies?? Just about to do a sit down interview, finally, but with her her running mate?? Pretty sure Trump has done a lot without someone at his side, but I believe he did one with his VP pick, but it's certainly not his usual position.

Next couple of weeks will be interesting.

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