Kamala Harris

In short (I’m on my sixth shit today) what has any VP offered that was recognized, other than Pence actually standing up for the Country

The job virtually demands quiet, blind loyalty and the ability to carry the baton for a (hopefully) brief period if the HMFIC pops his clogs!

In the modern era, we have had the likes of Quayle, Gore, Cheney, Biden, Pence, and now Vance/Walz. Some of them were pine riders designed to “balance a ticket,” while others were behind the scenes operatives for Presidents who were either too busy or inept to do the heavy lifting on Capitol Hill to achieve the desired results!

In short, they don’t usually help, but can definitely hurt, the candidate, but are mainly designed to be an inoffensive house plant for the background in the media frenzy that surrounds El Jefe everywhere he goes!
So, NATO has never sent troops for 'exercises' in countries within short access to Russian borders?

So This is Made Up, Then...?

What's with the disingenuous conflating of Harris and Pelosi?? I mentioned Pelosi, not Harris, in regard to the 'Roe V Wade' policy not to codify as well you know! So you ignored what I said about it.

So, if inflation occurred under Trump through covid, Biden also inherited the same covid issues and handled those 'issues' poorly. If Harris is citing 'price-gouging' as a 'policy', what stopped Biden enacting the same or similar action for policy within his tenure??

Doesn't surprise me the Clown liked your comment of conflation!

No point in discussing anything in bad faith, so I'm good with any potential reply.
I am stopping now, as you are going further into nonsense mode. For example, the original post was comparing current Democratic Party policy with Trump policy. You then quoted Pelosi’s historical stance which I said was not apt.. and apparently I am the one conflating the two! Bye.
It’s all very well, people moaning about Harris, but given the time-frame of when Biden decided not to run for re-election, the Democrats had little choice, but to back her.

Also, Biden must have seen/known something about her to make her his VP pick.
In short (I’m on my sixth shit today) what has any VP offered that was recognized, other than Pence actually standing up for the Country
I was about to write, we didn’t hear much about/from Pence, while he was VP, or Biden, in the four years before that.

Or from any Vice President, come to that, but I don’t doubt that they were all working hard behind the scenes to support their president.
I, also, posted the negatives of the Dem party actions when it could have changed things when it wielded full power.

I see this written all the time, but wonder when this might have been??? (I know, but most don’t. Nor do they know why.)

When did the Dems hold the White House, the House and 60 votes in the Senate to get whatever Dem policy agenda you speak of passed into law?

I know you understand the convoluted process, created (by design) to be an arduous one to stop reflexive change. So, when did the Dems have carte blanche to do what they wanted and what we were issues of the day they sought to address?
I see this written all the time, but wonder when this might have been??? (I know, but most don’t. Nor do they know why.)

When did the Dems hold the White House, the House and 60 votes in the Senate to get whatever Dem policy agenda you speak of passed into law?

I know you understand the convoluted process, created (by design) to be an arduous one to stop reflexive change. So, when did the Dems have carte blanche to do what they wanted and what we were issues of the day they sought to address?
I think the answer is the late 1930s under Roosevelt but I might be wrong.
He had a supermajority for the first half of his term; you are correct.
One of the criticisms of jimmy’s time in office is that despite having both houses, he didn’t push through as much legislation as he could have..

We met jimmy and Rosalynn on two occasions, and they are lovely people.

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