Keir Starmer

That's true. There was a graphic from Sky posted earlier in the thread and Boris Johnson didn't even make the list. Presumably because he paid back the money for his renovations. Dishonest to not include him and not explain why.
Ignored a million pound donation to his "office".
That's the point I made, you stated that you haven't seen anyone protecting him, which one is it?

Some posters have even tried the "What about Boris" angle it's pretty embarrassing.
What about Boris is the starting point for any debate about sleaze. In one sense, it's quite cheering that people do expect better now.
4,000 pensioners could potentially die according to... The Labour Party.
Naivety my arse.

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A day late but that is a deeply dishonest article and headline about a 2017 report by the Resolution Foundation about Theresa May's then proposal to cut the WFP, which would put 3800 old people "at risk". And they suggested that the effects could be alleviated by, wait for it, keeping the WFP for those claiming pension credit.
Quote "Keir Starmer is alleged to have broken parliamentary rules by failing to declare donations of clothing for his wife from the Labour donor Waheed Alli.

The gifts to Victoria Starmer were not initially declared in the register of MPs’ interests, the Sunday Times reported.

Starmer approached the parliamentary authorities on Tuesday to make a late declaration after being given updated advice on what needed to be registered.

The donations reportedly covered the cost of a personal shopper, clothes and alterations for Lady Starmer before and after Labour’s election win in July.

MPs are required to register gifts and donations within 28 days." End of Quote

So all of this uproar is about timing. As soon as they took further advice on the matter, they complied with the rules. It all feels a bit like Currygate. The DM and DT get a sniff of something they can chuck out there as red meat to the likes of Chippy and PPT.

Much of this took place before he was PM when the shadow cabinet were not "provided for" by the public purse in completely opposite to ministers who could claim for stuff from public money.

I openly admit the optics are poor. But let's take Arsenal tickets for example. They have now openly said they prefer him not to be in his usual seat for security reasons. My understanding is, he didn't cancel his Season ticekt to save himself a few bob but contiued to pay for it.

My preference would be that MPs get paid a load more than they do now and nothing further can be claimed-what that amount should be though is anybody's guess.

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