Keir Starmer

That is chilling, its decimation of the rights of the working class who have fought for centuries to be able to hold their heads up and be an honest player in the capitalist system.

I never imagined I would see the day when the working class turned on itself and did so much self harm. I am ok, millions are not and those millions need the Unions to have power to look after their members and be honest brokers for the working class.
Preach on, Brother Rascal!
I think most do understand how bad the Tories left the country and those NI cuts were there to cause maximum damage. That was a black hole of over 40 Bn and then the hidden amount of 20 odd Bn just stunk the place out from them. Like laying a huge turd on the PMs desk then deciding to smear it all over the walls for good measure, leaving us, the people of the UK, to clean it up.

And, because of Truss, they had to give assurances to the purse holders of the country that they wouldn’t go gung-ho, basically leaving no wiggle room.

Some pain ahead and I’m hoping this government, and the next, can rebuild the decaying remains of what has been left behind.
Take the medicine early, don’t pussyfoot around!

The slow roll only extends the pain and leads to longer term dissatisfaction.

Be as transparent as you can be. This is being done because of that. This because of that. And, once they’re done, we are going to do this that and the other. But, if we keep going the way they had us going, we’d all be up the creek, except those at the very top for whom govt policy is a minor inconvenience to their baked in largesse.

We were elected BY you to lead FOR you, and lead we shall!
That is chilling, its decimation of the rights of the working class who have fought for centuries to be able to hold their heads up and be an honest player in the capitalist system.

I never imagined I would see the day when the working class turned on itself and did so much self harm. I am ok, millions are not and those millions need the Unions to have power to look after their members and be honest brokers for the working class.
Those same honest brokers who did for Farmer Jim and put Thatcher in for decades and then repeated the trick on Blair to give us Cameron et al?
The problem is they got in on a ticket of making people better off, and the penny is rapidly dropping that yes maybe they might improve public services but they are going to make most people worse off. At least anyone who doesn't work in the public sector anyway.

They said they would bring energy costs down. Now they are going up 10%. They said no tax increases on working people. Is anyone prepared to bet that they won't increase taxes on cigarettes, booze and petrol? I think those increases are nailed on. They will also IMO raid people's pensions. Do working people have pensions. yes they do. I cannot imagine Labour increasing allowances either, so everyone will be paying more tax due to fiscal drag. Again, another lie = working people paying increased tax. They are going to be found out as being lying c***s.

Then when utter bollocks like that idiot Miiiibrain's renewables subsidies kick in, energy costs will go up even higher. The clamour for more pay rises like the ones Labour have just dished out, have barely started, so the black hole willl still be gaping and we'll have more tax rises. Rinse and repeat. it is all downhill from here.
Didn’t they say no increases to income tax, NI and VAT? I don’t think they mentioned other taxes.

They have only been in power a couple of months. At least give them a bit of time.

I was pretty impressed with the way the rioters have been dealt with to be honest. I like seeing criminals locked up.
If I may enquire, what is it about her that you think is revolting?
i think she's devoid of any class whatsoever. Her calling people she has to debate with "scum", says it all. I also think she's a steaming hypocrite. And she's far too left wing for me to take anything she says seriously.

To answer some of the other posts above, I also think she's unattrative, but that is actually irrelevant. She would probably think I am.

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