Keir Starmer

God good. I think she is revolting. She has - literally - the same popularity rating as Jacob Rees Mogg and that is saying something.
Seeing as you’ve cited those two individuals I’ll give you my perspective on both, and I’d say I’m well disposed to do so more objectively than most.

I’ll hazard I have a wider circle of friends than pretty much anyone else on this board. I’m sure there might be some who outdo me, and I’m certainly not getting territorial, but I have an incredibly wide circle of friends. Working class people who’ve done well for themselves (like my father) being the most prevalent, but plenty of objectively posh people too. I’d say a third of my friends are privately educated. Wide racial mix too. Although the majority are white. Wide age range too. I take people as I find them, and do not therefore suffer from the human curses of snobbery, or inverse snobbery.

It probably stems from my parents who are from wholly different social backgrounds. And the fact I’ve worked in fields where being able to engage with people across all social backgrounds is essential, if you want to progress.

So I don’t like or dislike either of them because of their social class.

You questioned my liking of Rayner, which you are perfectly entitled to.

My reasons for liking her is that she has a warmth and an honesty to her, that I find really attractive. I think she is benign, determined and forthright; qualities I find greatly attractive in a woman. I think she gives off a good energy. I greatly respect what she’s been through to get to where she is now. How can anyone not respect that? I don’t think she’s especially bright (intelligence being another quality I find hugely attractive in a woman) but she’s smart enough.

Rees-Mogg represents the very worst of humanity. Sour, negative, contemptuous and malign. You only have to see footage of him when he was a kid to see how rotten he is to his very core. He is a fuckimg horrible ****, who thinks he’s far smarter than he is.

Lastly, on balance, fwiw, I’d say Rayner is slightly more intelligent than Rees-Mogg, both of them hovering around the ‘slightly above average intelligence’ zone.

Hope that helps.
God good. I think she is revolting. She has - literally - the same popularity rating as Jacob Rees Mogg and that is saying something.
When you say literally, I assume you’ve seen some comparative data to back up that comment.
Or was your use of the word “literally” hyperbole?
i think she's devoid of any class whatsoever. Her calling people she has to debate with "scum", says it all. I also think she's a steaming hypocrite. And she's far too left wing for me to take anything she says seriously.

To answer some of the other posts above, I also think she's unattrative, but that is actually irrelevant. She would probably think I am.
She's from Adswood (later Bridge Hall) Stockport, the former being the same council estate I grew up in but obviously several decades earlier. Disliked intensely by many of my generation from that same background who recognise she deliberately cultivates a false caricature of 'coarseness' which she thinks appeals to her working class vote. She had a long career as a trade union organiser and that shapes her whole approach to politics - which she sees essentially as class warfare.
i think she's devoid of any class whatsoever. Her calling people she has to debate with "scum", says it all. I also think she's a steaming hypocrite. And she's far too left wing for me to take anything she says seriously.

To answer some of the other posts above, I also think she's unattrative, but that is actually irrelevant. She would probably think I am.

In fairness she did apologise for that remark and though I was unimpressed by it, I did think there was some mitigation given some of what she was being subjected to at the time.

I guess 'class' is a subjective quality, but in what way do you feel she is a steaming hypocrite?

Do you not think there's something quite impressive about someone who had a pretty unpromising younger life ascending to the level of deputy PM?

Similarly, putting aside ideological differences, do you not think there's something very valuable about having someone at the heart of government whose lived experience is different from most politicians?
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