Keir Starmer

Its the Sky News presenter from Wigan, Kay Burley.
Thank you..... is she the one who got suspended for breaking lock down regulations?
Any road up she was dreadful. Absolutely dreadful. She ought to watch our Joe (Hart) interviewing Rodri, now there was an interview with no interruptions and just calm and dignified. :-)
Not if Labour carry on like they started. Usually there is a honeymoon period when a new party is elected. Labour have pissed off almost everybody except train drivers and junior doctors.

I had a look at opinion polls after recent elections, and the last real "honeymoon period" was Blair in 1997. That's hardly a surprise as they were going in on a wave of positivity.

In quite a lot of the elections since, the opposition has been ahead in the polls within months. The Tories went up slightly after 2010, but so did Labour as that was due to the Lib Dem vote being decimated. Labour were ahead though after a few months.

No-one since has really had a boost in the polls.

Most of Labour's commitments are about big delivery - the huge numbers of houses, the net zero stuff etc. They have five years to show some results, and doing things positively, and they appear to be gambling on people associating all this negativity with the Tories.
I had a look at opinion polls after recent elections, and the last real "honeymoon period" was Blair in 1997. That's hardly a surprise as they were going in on a wave of positivity.

In quite a lot of the elections since, the opposition has been ahead in the polls within months. The Tories went up slightly after 2010, but so did Labour as that was due to the Lib Dem vote being decimated. Labour were ahead though after a few months.

No-one since has really had a boost in the polls.

Most of Labour's commitments are about big delivery - the huge numbers of houses, the net zero stuff etc. They have five years to show some results, and doing things positively, and they appear to be gambling on people associating all this negativity with the Tories.
The problem is they got in on a ticket of making people better off, and the penny is rapidly dropping that yes maybe they might improve public services but they are going to make most people worse off. At least anyone who doesn't work in the public sector anyway.

They said they would bring energy costs down. Now they are going up 10%. They said no tax increases on working people. Is anyone prepared to bet that they won't increase taxes on cigarettes, booze and petrol? I think those increases are nailed on. They will also IMO raid people's pensions. Do working people have pensions. yes they do. I cannot imagine Labour increasing allowances either, so everyone will be paying more tax due to fiscal drag. Again, another lie = working people paying increased tax. They are going to be found out as being lying c***s.

Then when utter bollocks like that idiot Miiiibrain's renewables subsidies kick in, energy costs will go up even higher. The clamour for more pay rises like the ones Labour have just dished out, have barely started, so the black hole willl still be gaping and we'll have more tax rises. Rinse and repeat. it is all downhill from here.
The problem is they got in on a ticket of making people better off, and the penny is rapidly dropping that yes maybe they might improve public services but they are going to make most people worse off. At least anyone who doesn't work in the public sector anyway.

They said they would bring energy costs down. Now they are going up 10%. They said no tax increases on working people. Is anyone prepared to bet that they won't increase taxes on cigarettes, booze and petrol? I think those increases are nailed on. They will also IMO raid people's pensions. Do working people have pensions. yes they do. I cannot imagine Labour increasing allowances either, so everyone will be paying more tax due to fiscal drag. Again, another lie = working people paying increased tax. They are going to be found out as being lying c***s.

Then when utter bollocks like that idiot Miiiibrain's renewables subsidies kick in, energy costs will go up even higher. The clamour for more pay rises like the ones Labour have just dished out, have barely started, so the black hole willl still be gaping and we'll have more tax rises. Rinse and repeat. it is all downhill from here.

It's utterly demoralising. Once you could choose a political party on their manifesto and if they got elected you were happy with your choice and probably benefitted from it. Now you're just fucked whoever you elect unless you're a very wealthy person.
The problem is they got in on a ticket of making people better off, and the penny is rapidly dropping that yes maybe they might improve public services but they are going to make most people worse off. At least anyone who doesn't work in the public sector anyway.

They said they would bring energy costs down. Now they are going up 10%. They said no tax increases on working people. Is anyone prepared to bet that they won't increase taxes on cigarettes, booze and petrol? I think those increases are nailed on. They will also IMO raid people's pensions. Do working people have pensions. yes they do. I cannot imagine Labour increasing allowances either, so everyone will be paying more tax due to fiscal drag. Again, another lie = working people paying increased tax. They are going to be found out as being lying c***s.

Then when utter bollocks like that idiot Miiiibrain's renewables subsidies kick in, energy costs will go up even higher. The clamour for more pay rises like the ones Labour have just dished out, have barely started, so the black hole willl still be gaping and we'll have more tax rises. Rinse and repeat. it is all downhill from here.

They clearly got in on a manifesto of things being shit, that it would take time to fix the shit, and that eventually people would be better off.

Their big plan was growth, and I assume that they're hoping the housing and energy stuff will be a big driver in that, but clearly that's a long term thing.
I think people underestimate the depth of shit this country is in.

The Tories did not seriously expect to win the last GE. But if they had, they'd have had to implement savage cuts, especially to achieve their agenda of cutting tax. They already did two unaffordable NI cuts which were a sort of time-bomb Labour now has to defuse. They wanted to do more because Tories assume less tax = more growth. Well, maybe, but that's a long-term strategy too and hard to bring about when public services are already on the floor.

There are no easy answers. I only wish there were, as I would be the first to advocate them. I believe that the Chancellor has rather masochistically locked herself into a very rigid and artificial corset, but I understand the reasoning and can imagine the reaction if she went out and borrowed a load of cash to subsidise current spending. Just as generals always fight the last war, so politicians are heavily influenced by recent political events. Two words - Corbyn and Truss. Neither will be copied.
I think people underestimate the depth of shit this country is in.

The Tories did not seriously expect to win the last GE. But if they had, they'd have had to implement savage cuts, especially to achieve their agenda of cutting tax. They already did two unaffordable NI cuts which were a sort of time-bomb Labour now has to defuse. They wanted to do more because Tories assume less tax = more growth. Well, maybe, but that's a long-term strategy too and hard to bring about when public services are already on the floor.

There are no easy answers. I only wish there were, as I would be the first to advocate them. I believe that the Chancellor has rather masochistically locked herself into a very rigid and artificial corset, but I understand the reasoning and can imagine the reaction if she went out and borrowed a load of cash to subsidise current spending. Just as generals always fight the last war, so politicians are heavily influenced by recent political events. Two words - Corbyn and Truss. Neither will be copied.
I think most do understand how bad the Tories left the country and those NI cuts were there to cause maximum damage. That was a black hole of over 40 Bn and then the hidden amount of 20 odd Bn just stunk the place out from them. Like laying a huge turd on the PMs desk then deciding to smear it all over the walls for good measure, leaving us, the people of the UK, to clean it up.

And, because of Truss, they had to give assurances to the purse holders of the country that they wouldn’t go gung-ho, basically leaving no wiggle room.

Some pain ahead and I’m hoping this government, and the next, can rebuild the decaying remains of what has been left behind.
I really like her.
A lot of "normal" people do as well. Hence the constant attacks on her for having the audacity of being a northern woman who worked hard to get to where she is today.

Just watch the way Badenoch treats her in parliament.

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