Keir Starmer

But not ALL major politicians are sanctimonious hypocritical twats that spent the last 14 years slagging the opposition off for what is now clear, they have been doing themselves all along.

Do you not see that? If you are going to act all holier than thou, you yourself had better be squeaky clean. It's the hypocricy and lying about it afterwards that offends the most.
I’m not buying that. I think this is a cheap attempt to cause controversy. It’s something of nothing that was never brought up with previous governments.

it’s not tax payer money so I couldn’t care less.
I’m not buying that. I think this is a cheap attempt to cause controversy. It’s something of nothing that was never brought up with previous governments.

it’s not tax payer money so I couldn’t care less.
They are not giving them money out the kindness of their hearts, they will want a return for their favours
It started on May 29 which is in the middle of GCSE exams which is exactly what Starmer said. It finished nearly a month after GCSEs but that was in the run up and immediately after the GE when the press would have been camped outside his house.
Another nothingburger especially as the £20k is what the property would have cost to rent on the open market whereas no money exchanged hands.
They weren't parked outside his house, they were following him around the country during the Election campaign FFS
Absolutely agree with that, we're in Pension Draw downs and come age around 76/77 if we live that long (currently 65 and 67) we'll either downsize, take equity release or possibly both.

My beef is nothing to do with our situation, I'm ok with the WFP being stopped for us, it's those in a less fortunate position I'm upset over. My older mate of 75 who comes to football with us has his state and private pension and gets by ok. However the WFP is the equivalent of his annual holiday with his pals, he's not going now, it's ok for others to say he used the payment to subsidise his holiday but that amount lost without notice has cost him a week away. He now lives on his own and that week was very important for his mental health, something he really looked forward to. He could give up his Season Ticket but going to games is what he's done for the past 60 plus years and he enjoys the company.
Holidays and city season tickets and your friend will miss £300 winter fuel payment that is a piss take surely, £300 w, f payment for some pensioners who can barely live or put there heating on I’m all for but what your saying is something young families can’t do ie afford season tickets holidays etc
They are not giving them money out the kindness of their hearts, they will want a return for their favours
Which has been happening for 13 years previously, yet we’re only talking about it now?

Funding has always played a role in politics. Rishi Sunak was flying around in a helicopter that was declared as a gift during the campaign!

I agree that it’s not right, but the right wing nutjobs can do better than trying to stir controversy over something that took place before Starmer was PM and something every politician does.

Didn’t cost me or you a penny.
Holidays and city season tickets and your friend will miss £300 winter fuel payment that is a piss take surely, £300 w, f payment for some pensioners who can barely live or put there heating on I’m all for but what your saying is something young families can’t do ie afford season tickets holidays etc
I'd agree with that if I hadnt seen politicians taking the absolute piss with expenses claims etc.

They can fuck right off and give pensioners their WFA back plus help starving families too.

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