Keir Starmer

An important point.

Under no circumstances should the boot be taken off the fuckers throat so to speak until he has gone.

Listening to minister after minister claim we should now move on……….no, we shouldn’t and until you remove the **** from office, the same questions will be asked of you every single day.

Any mp seeking to condone his actions should really go too tbh. I don’t think some of their behaviour will be forgotten for a long time either.
He’s got some fucking brass neck, I’ll give him that.

His media team have to have wrote that surely, because he cares not a fuck about Starmer, who I hope by the way is OK after his and David Lammy's ordeal in the face of that mob of degenerates.

Today though was yet another new low for the UK, Johnson will not do the decent thing and correct the record in Parliament because it makes all those ministers who have been sent out to prevaricate on his behalf look even more stupid than they did when they were actually prevaricating.

Johnson has no shame, he clearly does not care about this country or our democratic traditions , he cares about Johnson and saving his own arse and keeping the job he feels he is entitled too. It is as others have alluded too, Trumpian. The Saville lie is on par with Trumps we won the election lie and with lies come consequences. Only a liar can defend a liar and those who defend his lies are also by default liars in their own right.

This debasement of our democracy serves nobody well, regardless of who you vote for, regardless of your Brexit stance, regardless of your morals and ethics, it is harmful and destructive and it is yet another small step towards fascist authoritarianism.

I have had my fears over Johnson for a long time as has been noted on here and it gives me no pleasure to have those fears proven correct as I love this country and its people and believe we deserve better. We deserve a PM who at least is truthful even if we do not agree with the policies of said PM.

Give me an honest PM who policies I hate over a lying PM whose policies I love everyday of the week.
‘Twas a time when you had to stroll by Speakers’ Corner to hear radical thought and gape at the deluded. Now, alas, you needn’t travel so far; not sure that’s really progress.
I sometimes struggle to believe this is the country I was born in. Maybe I'm just getting old :-(
Honestly, words fail me.

Moved here in 2012 from Australia and even in the 10 years I have been here, it's pretty frightening how much it has changed...

Genuinely going down the toilet.
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