Keir Starmer

They aren’t left wingers. They are mainly hard right wing I’d say. The St Georges cross features prominently in the news coverage I saw.
I’m going only by what I heard, daren’t look. There are longer clips on Twitter and it would appear to be the whole fruitcake, nuts ’n all. You have people shouting about the betrayal of the working man, people shouting about the persecution of Julian Assange, and people shouting ‘nonce’ and decrying his alleged shielding of Savile.
Why are they calling him a “traitor”?
i'm guessing, but johnson's also been hammering home recently in PMQs the number of times starmer supposedly voted against the much vaunted will of the people, wanting to stop brexit etc so it's probably another talking point off right wing social media.

that video is an absolute disgrace and there is no question that has been fuelled by johnson's comments. as rascal put beautifully above, i've been worried as hell about him, and my fears were not unfounded. he is completely amoral and is dragging this country even further into the shit.
How many fucking times will an MP have to be verbally attacked or physically attacked or even murdered and how many fucking times will we have to listen to twats like this PM tell us all that politics has to be kinder and that lessons have been learnt because words have consequences?

Withdraw the fucking comment you idiot and publicly apologise and then please, just fucking go!
I'll give the blonde Slitheen something.

He's united the BM politics forum!

Some of us should have listened a bit more to our blue brothers when we had the chance.

Shamefully I voted for this ****. First time ever I voted Tory because I just couldn’t vote for Corbyn and of course because of brexit.

I’ve admitted my mistake in voting for the fuck up that was brexit.

Im also willing to own the fact I voted for this fucking whopper.

Shame on me.
Some of us should have listened a bit more to our blue brothers when we had the chance.

Shamefully I voted for this ****. First time ever I voted Tory because I just couldn’t vote for Corbyn and of course because of brexit.

I’ve admitted my mistake in voting for the fuck up that was brexit.

Im also willing to own the fact I voted for this fucking whopper.

Shame on me.

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