Keir Starmer

Not true. An electorate can be persuaded away from reality. Austerity is a policy and practice that isn't based in economic reality but the electorate have voted it in time and again
The problem is who ever wins there will be austerity particularly when we are subject to world events.
Anyone who says otherwise is telling porkies.
The problem is who ever wins there will be austerity particularly when we are subject to world events.
Anyone who says otherwise is telling porkies.
In 2010 we opted for austerity on the basis of the global shock of the world financial crisis. Whilst I supported it at the time at least for a couple of years, it retrospect it was a terrible idea that has led this country to being in a much worse state than its peers, partly because of the austerity policy itself and partly because it led to a pissed off population to vote against its best interests in 2016 when they thought they had little to lose. This time round we are starting from a much worse position than our peers because of 12 years of austerity and Brexit so applying policies for growth now would compound the inflationary spiral that we're in so basically we're fairly short of options.
It's not world events that require austerity it's our unique situation due the sanctions we have placed on ourselves that prevent our economy growing as it should.
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In 2010 we opted for austerity on the basis of the global shock of the world financial crisis. Whilst I supported it at the time at least for a couple of years, it retrospect it was a terrible idea that has led this country to being in a much worse state than its peers, partly because of the austerity policy itself and partly because it led to a pissed off population to vote against its best interests in 2016 when they thought they had little to lose. This time round we are starting from a much worse position than our peers because of 12 years of austerity and Brexit so applying policies for growth now would compound the inflationary spiral that we're in so basically we're fairly short of options.
It's not world events that require austerity it's our unique situation due the sanctions we have placed on ourselves that prevent our economy growing as it should.
So, lets assume your right. Where is the money coming from to fund a double digit pay rise (just to tread water with inflation) , for EVERYONE, not just those with a bit of Union clout behind them. A lot of businesses in the private sector just cannot stand the cost , that is reality.
So, lets assume your right. Where is the money coming from to fund a double digit pay rise (just to tread water with inflation) , for EVERYONE, not just those with a bit of Union clout behind them. A lot of businesses in the private sector just cannot stand the cost , that is reality.

What has that got to do with government austerity policy?
What has that got to do with government austerity policy?
If you go back and read the post I was replying to he states "we opted for austerity"
Its the people who suffer austerity not the Government
To avoid austerity people require an increase in their income.
My question was how is this increase in income to be funded
So, lets assume your right. Where is the money coming from to fund a double digit pay rise (just to tread water with inflation) , for EVERYONE, not just those with a bit of Union clout behind them. A lot of businesses in the private sector just cannot stand the cost , that is reality.
Where do you think the money came from to pay for furlough or test, track and trace, or HS2 or any number of other things? Government finances don't work like your bank account. It's a complicated trade off between public spending, GDP growth and debt affordability. With a economy that is healthy relative to its peers, taking on additional debt is not necessarily inflationary and GDP growth can more than cover the increased costs of servicing the debt. Going for the austerity option, in theory debt goes up less but so does growth. That's what they opted for in 2010 and stuck with it until recently. Now they are in a position where our economy is weaker than its peers so increasing public spending is very likely to be inflationary. That is the hole that this appalling government has got us into. I have no confidence that they can get us out of it either and it's likely to take a few years of pain and competent government to get us out of this mess.
If you go back and read the post I was replying to he states "we opted for austerity"
Its the people who suffer austerity not the Government
To avoid austerity people require an increase in their income.
My question was how is this increase in income to be funded

No sorry that's nonsense. But I haven't got the time or inclination to waste on going round in circles with someone who believes neo-classical bollocks.

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