Kevin Parker .

strongbowholic said:
pardoe said:
I'm sure i'm not the only person reading this thread who thinks this 'strongbowholic' character is doing his best to come across as a dickhead of the highest order.

I'd rather listen to Kevin Parker than the shoeless "let's sign Messi" mongs.
fair play to Kevin for coming on and putting his side of the story. So who are these shoeless, let's sign Messi mongs? Why have they no shoes?

As I do not agree with everything Kevin says, why does that make me a dickhead?

You've clearly got an axe to grind and personally attacking Kevin Parker under an anonymous username is what's made you look a dickhead
Kevin, can I put on record the tremendous and thankless work you do for City fans around the country and the world? We're all Blues, we are strong-minded and have our own views (I was very much opposed to you over the previous manager for instance. ) Our branch in deepest Sussex has grown to more than 80-strong due in no small part to the support of Kevin, and thanks to him we have met the likes of Tommy Booth, Peter Barnes, Gary Owen and other true City legends who will live on in our hearts long after Robinho has cleared off to Santos.

Btw I loved Robi, I really wanted it to work, he wants to go, we'll get over him, time to draw a line under it.

My main point being that KP has a vast amount of support among City fans who have benefited from his generosity and commitment.

bluemeanie69 said:
To JRB , Prestwich Blue, some facts to put you straight:

1. Kevin is OSC General Secretary (not figurehead, chairman or MCFC Press Officer) he expressed a personal opinion.
2. The OSC has a board made up of democratically elected officials. ( Who undertake there roles for the love of the club and supporters)
3. The OSC has nearly 7000 paid up members who all have a vote.
4. No one from OSC is given free tickets for games.
5. Tickets for games are applied for using Patron Codes from branch members and applied for by individual branch Secretary's.
6. The OSC Club was negotiated with the club for use of supporters. ( A membership in place for room)
7. Both CSA members and away supporters members have used the club.
8. The OSC annually make a considerable donation to the clubs academy for the use of the room, this was negotiated with Macintosh.
9. The academy has bought equipment to make it the best in the country with the donations made, ie. video equipment, gym improvements. This prior to the takeover.
10. The OSC and CSA have been working closely to improve relations between the organisations.
11. Former CSA Branch Bredbury are now members of the OSC.
12. The OSC celebrated Sixty years last year
13. Tony Book is President
14. UWE Rosler was brought over by the OSC for the weekend to attend the 60th dinner and game at the end of last year.
15. The OSC branches run coaches to all games.
16. The Official Travel Club is run by the OSC ( so if you get a coach to away game from ticket office its the OSC coach)
17. The Player of the Year, Young Player of the Year is an OSC EVENT and AWARD and the trophies are provided by the OSC.
18. Bernard Halford is a member of the Failsworth branch and a stalwart of the OSC.
19. Roy Clarke was former President
20. Frank Swift was former President

Think that will do for now.

Instead of sitting at your PC'S every night spouting drivel and arguing toss with every tom , dick and Kevin. Get of your arse and join the OSC and you may actually stat enjoying supporting City.
Whoah there my friend. I don't need you to lecture me. I am a member of both OSC and CSA branches and also know Kevin personally, who he is and what he does. I also know numerous others connected with the two supporters associations and how much work they put in.

I have no hesitation in saying that I hold Kevin in the highest regard and that he and the others do a tremendous amount for the supporters of this club and the club itself. I've also used the official coaches on numerous occasions.

If you look at my earlier post on this I specifically said, before Kevin responded, that I doubted that Kevin would have said what he did. I've seen and heard him on the media many times and he's a very assured and competent performer. I've also done quite a bit of media work and know how difficult it is and how you have to think about every word you say but even then, if it's not live, it can be twisted.

I realise that my post was open to misinterpretation. I wasn't casting any aspersions on the way the OSC operate but I was very suspicious about Mackintosh & Tyrrell's motives, for very good reasons. Personally I don't like the branch ticket allocations as it's not transaparent. We have a loyalty points system and enough channels to sell tickets and the branch ticket system leaves itself open to suspicion, whether warranted or not.

You know what - I wouldn't even have any objection if (and I stress if) certain people get freebies for their personal use. They've bloody well earned it in my opinion.

So pick your targets a bit more carefully in future.
I made a light joke on the first page, but its become a joke thread now, I'll agree I get p*ssed off with a lot of blues about opinions etc, but to have a bloody war about it like this is very petty, we're all blues for crying out loud, some want Robbie gone, some don't, End Of!!!
Prestwich_Blue said:
bluemeanie69 said:
5. Tickets for games are applied for using Patron Codes from branch members and applied for by individual branch Secretary's.
last year


Personally I don't like the branch ticket allocations as it's not transaparent. We have a loyalty points system and enough channels to sell tickets and the branch ticket system leaves itself open to suspicion, whether warranted or not.

Couldn't agree more. To believe that each patron code applied for results in that individual going to the game is naive to say the least. Some individuals are able to obtain tickets prior to the independent supporter despite not having even a Season ticket. (allegedly )
General said:
I bloody well hope not !!

Just a tad perhaps..... ;-)
scall said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Can I ask on what authority you have taken it upon yourself to speak for the fan base at large

Kevin's the General Secretary of the Official Supporters Club, and his name and contact details are on the OSC site.

If you're a reporter and wanted a 'fans view' on an issue, logic would send them to the Official Supporters Club website to see if they have a spokesman. They would get Kevins number off there. Journalists, as we all know, are lazy. They won't bother ringing around more than one City fan to get an opinion, or try to judge the majority view. They would simply ask one person a view, and pass it off as the 'fans view'.

I don't think Kevin is saying he speaks for the fans at large, but is merely offering an opinion on issues when asked.


no different to the "75% of City fans don't want Sven" nonsense...

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