Khaldoon checks!

I would "luv it" if Sheikh Mansour did an interview as well. Only ever seen pictures of him, never heard him talk. I have no doubt that he would be as well spoken and intelligent as Khaldoon Al Mubarak.
Ghost in my house said:
There's a man I'd like to work with.

There's a man you want to take down to the pub with. You'd get wasted with his gold card! And it'd be p!ss funny with him stood on a bar stool, tie around his forehead singing "Sweet Caroline" at 3am. Get Kaldoon in Mary D's before the derby!!!!
Hmm. Some thoughts, and personal interpretation.

Just to echo the point previously, it seemed fairly light going (as you might expect from an internal interview), the only question which seemed to me to raise an 'uncomfortable' body-language response was the one about the Academy. Call me a cynic, but it felt a bit like a fan-pleasing box ticking exercise in many other places, ably assisted by Mr Bailey, and it felt like there wasn't a huge amount of new information in it.

However, the one thing that stood out for me was this- what is now deemed to be the target for the season. I don't think I've seen any discussion of those comments here thus far, but the fact that he wouldn't mention what he had in mind, alongside what even City players have alluded to over the last couple of weeks, seem to me to suggest that it's no longer a target of top 6. Their expectations have risen. I think they're aiming squarely at 4th place or upwards, or, at least, one of the domestic cups in the trophy room come May.

Perhaps they believe that the absence of multiple mid-week games will be of benefit, which is true, but on the other hand it'll be some feat to attempt to gel the 7/ 8 new signings from the Summer transfer window into something able to perform consistently. I suspect the reason Khaldoon has chosen not to publicly voice an exact target is to prevent the news media (and the section of City fans that MEN contributors delightfully refer to as 'foamers') from turning it into a stick to hit Hughes with. I imagine, as with any sensible business target, it's acceptable to fall slightly short, if you can point to quanitifiable reasons of particular misfortune as to why you've done so. I'm pleased that the level of short-term ambition has apparently gone up a step, but I'd really like to think (and I hope) they're working with this particular philosophy.

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