Khaldoon Interview on OS


Caption? I'll go first

Mmmmm. Isco
BobKowalski said:
PrestwichPeteMcfc said:
ballinio said:
And where would we find this impartial proper journalist you speak of , any names ?

Chris Bailey could have perhaps asked more pressing questions. Although I'm aware is more of a publicity/propaganda platform.

Well of course it bloody is. Its like any corporate website and is designed to present City in the best possible light. Equally Khaldoon did address the Mancini sacking and gave his (diplomatic) views on the season so its not as if these issues were ignored. And in case you hadn't noticed Ferran did the sit down with the press last week covering some of the same issues.

What was interesting for me was the impression that going forward we are no longer 'mucking about'. Prior to winning the PL it was what we 'think we can do with City' but now its we 'know what we can do with City' because we have already done it and we want more of it and we want it ever year. Frankly its difficult not to get excited about the level and boldness of the ambition on and off the pitch. If you ain't getting excited as a City fan then you might as well be dead.

He is on a hiding to nothing in his position and said all that any chairman or

ceo of a multi million pound business in a multi billion pound industry that is

football could say.

I think we would all like him to say " fuck off purple nose, you knew we were coming for ya so you ran like a woman", but it was a little difficult in his position.
I really liked the bit about Rodwell. In what is maybe the most irrelevant thing of the interview, it stood out the most for me. He knows his football
Anodyne interview, drip fed questions by a serf

I appreciate any chairman of a major company has to utter pc banalities but why put out such a meaningless interview

Why even mention baconface ?

His long rambling answers as to the "great things" that men like Marwood and Txiki do at City were notable for their lack of detail. In the eyes of the majority of our fans, rightly or wrongly, Marwood and Txiki were the Brutus to Mancini's Caesar so please tell us why these guys are so great, what do they do that makes them more valuable to City than Bobby was.

You could tell he genuinely loved our win at the swamp though, top bloke
80s Shorts said:
Trollsmoan said:
WEMBLEY76 said:
Comes over very well,classy,charismatic and leads from the front.We are vey lucky to have him as Sheikh Mansours right hand man.

This is how I have perceived him from his first to his very last interview but according to some it comes across as spin and smarminess, I don't know what kind of spin doctors they have working at City but I bet Alistair Campbell is taking notes!

Spin is all part of the business football now is.

Those who have the most money will float to the surface afloat of their

rafts supported by multi billion pound ballast.

I can still enjoy the spectacle, but that is all it now is.

Is City not City anymore? What is City?What was City ?
Is it club? is it a badge? is it a team?

I'm pissed but i'm CTID as always.
RobertFish said:
bluemurray said:
I watched the interview on the OS. The people on here - the Lord only knows why they bother to call themselves City fans - who are moaning and begrudging need to give their heads a good wobble. I cannot belief there are still people out there who doubt the sincerity and determination of the owners. These people have pumped some serious dosh into our club. I suspect - once the stadium is extended, new players bought and the Academy up and running a sum somewhere close to the billion-pound mark will have been invested or earmarked for future development.

Good Lord, I can remember every close season for eons listening to Swales rambling on about us having to "cut our cloth accordingly" while putting out spurious nonsense about us making "major signings" only to have the MEUN reporting our ever increasingly desperate chase of Paul Stewart or whoever and we'd end up with Adolphus Grunfuckwit from FC Nowhere while the North Stand might get a lick of paint... or not.

I still have to pinch myself when I consider the progress we have made in less than 5-years. Incredible. But somewhat less incredible than some of the moaning, whining, brain-dead morons who post on here actually comparing the chairman to Tony Blair?? Or making bold statements like "I'll believe it when I see it"!!??? WHAT?? Hello!!!! Open your fu*king eyes.. smell the coffee!!! Like "WAKE UP!!"

If the current owners up sticks and left at 6am tomorrow morning they will still have done more for the great entity that is Manchester City FC than any other collective group or individual in the last 100-odd years!

Cheers Khaldoon and if you can ever be arsed to actually read some of this tripe, please try to remember that the moaners and doubters represent a very small minority of us!

Well said.

Trollsmoan said:
BobKowalski said:
If you ain't getting excited as a City fan then you might as well be dead.

Or red...

But you know the saying!

I can only assume they're young fans with no inbuilt Cityism

I've been a City fan since 1966 and I know there's never been a time to be more optimistic of being a blue in al that time.

Of course the people in charge will make mistakes, that's just part and parcel of changing a whole lot of the crap we've had for years

These people genuinely want CITY to be a major player from now on in. How the fuck can that be a bad thing
Good interview, all sounds very posititve.

But at the moment it's all talk. Last summer we won the league and fucked up on epic proportions in the transfer market and in the end we ended up weakening our title winning squad instead of improving it which Khaldoon promised us we wouldn't.

It's easy for him to tell us how great things are going to be for us but he better perform, the same applies to Ferran and Txiki. It's a huge summer for us in terms of developing as a club, we need to appoint a new manager and also sign, arguably, 6 first team players to enhance our squad. If we end up with dross like Maicon, Sinclair and Garcia this summer I will be very disappointed. Missing out on main targets is no excuse and if we are as big of a club as Khaldoon say's we are then we shouldn't be missing out on any main targets.

It may sound like i'm being arrogant or wanting to much or whatever. But it's what we've been promised so they better deliver.

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