Khaldoon Interview on OS

I agree with Billy's comments. Khaldoon comes across as genuine and I have no doubt that he is no BS merchant. I thought his praise for Marwood was telling. Obviously Bobby tried to deflect some failings in his direction. However, it is clear that Bobby has gone and Marwood is still here. Our owners and leadership team are not fools and not adverse to making the tough decisions that are needed. They want City to be the best and if Marwood was not cutting the mustard he would have gone too. Must say alot about his standing in the hierarchy and their faith in his competency..
andy h said:
I agree with Billy's comments. Khaldoon comes across as genuine and I have no doubt that he is no BS merchant. I thought his praise for Marwood was telling. Obviously Bobby tried to deflect some failings in his direction. However, it is clear that Bobby has gone and Marwood is still here. Our owners and leadership team are not fools and not adverse to making the tough decisions that are needed. They want City to be the best and if Marwood was not cutting the mustard he would have gone too. Must say alot about his standing in the hierarchy and their faith in his competency..

We do notice that Marwood have been given other duties by Khaldoon though..As Txiki is DoF I mean.
I think there is a huge divide now between some of the "old school " City fans who have fond memories of wet , cold days at Maine Road with match days looking something like a Lowry painting and all the horrible disasters and cock-ups that made this great club and its supporters what it is today and some of the more pragmatic amongst us. Of course we must never forget our history but we must not let it dictate our future .
Lots of us rightly saying that we must try not to be the cynical , corporate entities that the scum have become , and , as an old git myself , I despise bland corporate speak but we must move with the times . We will always be City fans first and foremost whoever is in charge and whoever pulls on that blue shirt and that is vital for this club.
The sheikh , Khaldoon , and all the big business types that are now ( thankfully ) in charge of City's future have a vision untainted by its past, and , as billyshears said , it is amazing to see some of the cynicism of some of the contributors on this thread .
Khaldoon may not have been at York away , but he's going to take us to bigger and better places than that!
Bodicoteblue said:
I think there is a huge divide now between some of the "old school " City fans who have fond memories of wet , cold days at Maine Road with match days looking something like a Lowry painting and all the horrible disasters and cock-ups that made this great club and its supporters what it is today and some of the more pragmatic amongst us. Of course we must never forget our history but we must not let it dictate our future .
Lots of us rightly saying that we must try not to be the cynical , corporate entities that the scum have become , and , as an old git myself , I despise bland corporate speak but we must move with the times . We will always be City fans first and foremost whoever is in charge and whoever pulls on that blue shirt and that is vital for this club.
The sheikh , Khaldoon , and all the big business types that are now ( thankfully ) in charge of City's future have a vision untainted by its past, and , as billyshears said , it is amazing to see some of the cynicism of some of the contributors on this thread .
Khaldoon may not have been at York away , but he's going to take us to bigger and better places than that!
Excellent post, fully agree. It may not be all that we wanted but the alternative is well.................................Everton ?
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I was gutted the club moved Mancini on and thought he deserved one more season however listening to our great chairman made me realise that the club knows exactly what it is doing. I am really excited about the summer signings,plans for the ground expansion etc and the new season. Think Pellegrini is going to be the dogs,I really do.

I agree with what you're saying, he has everything, class,articulate, yet the f**k up before the final has to land on some ones feet.
big gaz said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I was gutted the club moved Mancini on and thought he deserved one more season however listening to our great chairman made me realise that the club knows exactly what it is doing. I am really excited about the summer signings,plans for the ground expansion etc and the new season. Think Pellegrini is going to be the dogs,I really do.

I agree with what you're saying, he has everything, class,articulate, yet the f**k up before the final has to land on some ones feet.

Alledgedly that was leaked by Barca to Spanish media night before the final to distract City on the day,as revenge for us taking their 2 execs
When you pair up this interview with soriano's from a couple of weeks ago, you get a clear sense of the club's ambitions and goals. And a clear sense that the Club's executives know exactly what they are sitting on on terms of squad quality and potential, as well as what is needed throughout the club.

I couldn't be more excited about the future. I've had misgivings about khaldoon and the sheikh's football knowledge in the past, but soriano and begeristain fill those holes beautifully.

Serious stuff imminent for this club.
WEMBLEY76 said:
Any clues Dave to pass on,apart from stadium expansion,etc ?
I'm not trying to play 'itk' about stuff mate. I just feel the last few weeks have proven the club's ambitions beyond doubt. And I feel we have top quality personnel right through the club, to fulfill those ambitions.

A couple of years ago we felt at times like a Ferrari being driven by a teenager. I feel those days are gone.
WEMBLEY76 said:
big gaz said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I was gutted the club moved Mancini on and thought he deserved one more season however listening to our great chairman made me realise that the club knows exactly what it is doing. I am really excited about the summer signings,plans for the ground expansion etc and the new season. Think Pellegrini is going to be the dogs,I really do.

I agree with what you're saying, he has everything, class,articulate, yet the f**k up before the final has to land on some ones feet.

Alledgedly that was leaked by Barca to Spanish media night before the final to distract City on the day,as revenge for us taking their 2 execs

We did not take their "Execs" they had left Barca before they came to us,I think there is a bit more to it than that

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