Kids in block 110??

1st time in the North Stand yesterday and whilst it wasn't quite my scene it looks to be good for kids and the kids there were all loving it.

If I were you I'd just sit in the family stand, it might be a bit quieter and there may be some people there that are very, very odd but your lad should be safe and sound.

I also noticed a lot of the kids chatting at half time with each other, a burgeoning community of little blues, he could make some City mates!
Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont think you have explained exactly what happened, i stood on my seat and fell back, there was nothing i could do, even when sober standing on a seat can lead to a fall, i offered you an apology but you didnt except it, i suggested that 110 is not a place for kids imo. what i ment by nt bringing children is, that these incidents do happpen in 110, and didnt purposley fall off my seat.
Are you too short to see over the people without standing on your seat fella?
Ticket For Schalke said:
i enjoy standing infront of you and love your kids enthusiasm

SWP's back said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont think you have explained exactly what happened, i stood on my seat and fell back, there was nothing i could do, even when sober standing on a seat can lead to a fall, i offered you an apology but you didnt except it, i suggested that 110 is not a place for kids imo. what i ment by nt bringing children is, that these incidents do happpen in 110, and didnt purposley fall off my seat.
Are you too short to see over the people without standing on your seat fella?

are peoples arses too big to sit down?
SWP's back said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Dont think you have explained exactly what happened, i stood on my seat and fell back, there was nothing i could do, even when sober standing on a seat can lead to a fall, i offered you an apology but you didnt except it, i suggested that 110 is not a place for kids imo. what i ment by nt bringing children is, that these incidents do happpen in 110, and didnt purposley fall off my seat.
Are you too short to see over the people without standing on your seat fella?

That too obvious - the fact he was pissed whilst stood on a chair and every post is acting like its fookin normal - it aint -
Ticket For Schalke said:
Stillsy said:
i agree with TFS about its not the place for kids really but what i find bang out of order is if TFS did tell you to fuck off about 5 times infront of your lad.

before TFS says anything im saying you did tell him to fuck off im just saying if it is true you were out of order.

because i couldnt help falling over, i ment nothing by the fuck off, but he was making it worse than what it was, i enjoy standing infront of you and love your kids enthusiasm, i'd still bring him in there, but have to be aware, that these things do occur.

ahh right mate no one is saying that you fell into him on purpose because that happens all the time! when we scored i ended up 2 rows infront of me.

just about the fuck off its not on really infront of a kid.

i know that he will hear everyone swearing all the time in block 110 and you will hear it anywhere in the ground but if i was that age and another grown man was swearing at my dad i would have been shitting myself
Ticket For Schalke said:
Stillsy said:
i agree with TFS about its not the place for kids really but what i find bang out of order is if TFS did tell you to fuck off about 5 times infront of your lad.

before TFS says anything im saying you did tell him to fuck off im just saying if it is true you were out of order.

because i couldnt help falling over, i ment nothing by the fuck off, but he was making it worse than what it was, i enjoy standing infront of you and love your kids enthusiasm, i'd still bring him in there, but have to be aware, that these things do occur.

Cheers so have you changed your mind? On the kids bit then? AND this whole thread was to find out was others thought on the subject
marco said:
Blue Smarties said:
I don't even know you, just remember you from Barnsley away... when I read the OP I thought it's probably you....... fpmsl.

Anyway, I'm with TFS on this. If you take your kids into 110 you need to expect they could get hurt or scared. It's the area designed for 'the lads', the majority are out of it come kick off and choose that section to have banter with the away fans. If you want your kid to be in that section then fair enough but don't expect other fans to not go crazy when we score, jump around etc.

Besides, sounds like you got offered an apology on the day.

i agree 100% with this its a more volatile area if thats the word,you cant help a guy who's falling back on your lad as much as he cant stop himself,but people in there do drink it is allowed and its legal , a dificult situation to please all
Agree with most of this but being pussed and falling about isn't legal, it's called drunk and disorderly and leads to a fine and night in the cells. Plus the take your DNA and prints the bastards.

-- Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:38 pm --

dctid said:
SWP's back said:
Are you too short to see over the people without standing on your seat fella?

That too obvious - the fact he was pissed whilst stood on a chair and every post is acting like its fookin normal - it aint -
Lost me sorry asdid TFS with the big arses comment.

Edit: spelling crap as phone is in weird mood
i can see the N Stand where I sit in the East stand and yesterday there was no way that they were all families in there. Loads of blokes together giving it large just like last season. Anyhow some sections are livelier than others and you pays your money you takes your choice....

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