Knock Door Run

We went round lifting peoples front gates off the hinges. Its not big and its not clever. But quite funny at the time.
Absolutely great game

Knock Door & Run

Hedge Jumping

We use to call certain streets after races like The Grand National etc. Especially difficult ones that is.

Good honest fun. We never stole, vandalised or abused anyone. Well we might have abused the odd bloke who challenged our fun but only harmless names.
Bellyeye said:
We went round lifting peoples front gates off the hinges. Its not big and its not clever. But quite funny at the time.

You are right it isn't big or clever but when you are young there is nothing better than giggling your tits off while running as fast as you can.

Although it becomes less funny when your mates take over you and you realise the big guy is closing on you, hence the reason we would invite the fat kid to come play with us.
We used to play a game called sensor.
We had to sneak past The security lights in peoples back gardens/yards, without setting them off. If they did light up your mates had to chuck summat at the back door and you had to get out before you were caught.
When I was a kid, there was a guy who lived in a terrace with one of those small walled gardens at the front used to have to get the neighbours round to help lift his Reliant Robin out of the garden on a regular basis.

We also used to carry someones mini into the back street and put it sideways so he couldn't get it out. He used to get his trolley jack and pull the front end round. I'm sure he knew it was us as we'd stand at the end of the street watching him. He never said anything as he was probably worried that we'd do something less easily remedied.

Some lads got a major bollocking at school for lifting the French teachers 2CV over some bollards onto the pavement. Didn't help that the Police got involved and threatened to do her for blocking the pavement.<br /><br />-- Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:22 am --<br /><br />One of my mates had his football confiscated by the miserable old git next door. He and his brother set their alarm for 4am, got up and went into the old mans garden and painted his shed gloss white.
I live down in London now and this came up last week and the misses said they used to play it and they called it "Knock down Ginger" I don't know whether they just picked on Ginger people or whether it was just a shit name.

She did say that our name for the game made more sense!!!
We used to go gnoming when we were walking back from fishing.

The idea of gnoming is to knock on someones door stand in there garden frozen and try and look like gnomes, for example someone crouching down holding there fish rod.

Used to get some puzzled looks and some funny reactions from people answering there doors.

We knocked on this guys house who is known for smoking weed, never seen anyone freak out so much.

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