Kolarov - south stand

he is absolutely dogshite, for all this shit that goes on about his left foot i have never seen a more inconsistent and yet awful footballer. I actually look at Kolarov being a professional and think there is hope for us alll.
This happened over in the East Stand earlier in the season. Someone shouted something at Kolarov, Aleks shouted "fuck you" to him and everyone cheered him and told the bloke in the stand to shut the fuck up.

Yet over in the South Stand (what in my opinion is amongst the worst vocal stands in the country) they see their arse with him. Then they're told to pipe down by the Colin Bell and then for the first time this season they decided to sing some songs (I was astonished, as I thought it was a season long fold your arms and stand in silence competition).

Well done Kolarov! Well done Colin Bell Stand!
Anyone that did boo is a dumb fucker, as simple as that, the guy may not be popular may not be the player we all thought we getting but he is one of us when he puts that shirt on....so grow up you precious twats
SuperMario's Fireworks. said:
he is absolutely dogshite, for all this shit that goes on about his left foot i have never seen a more inconsistent and yet awful footballer. I actually look at Kolarov being a professional and think there is hope for us alll.
But then, the South Stand is absolutely dogshite. The players should all stand there and boo them!
what yesterday proved to me was city have several over-hyped wankers who do not give a fuck about the club - I was prepared to give most of them the benefit of the doubt but not now . kolarov is a grade A knut ! I do not go along with this crap that you should not boo players - kolarov deserved a smack for what he did yesterday . while tosspots like him retire to his villa in spain for the summer we work and pay his wages ?- I would sack him today no question . they are not "one of us" the vast majority could not care less .
paulchapo said:
roj said:
We, the fans, gave them nothing today. I think the Mancini song/s at the beginning split the stadium slightly and the atmosphere didn't quite recover. Also, the players know we've read the dirty washing shit in the papers, yet we still sing their old boss' name. Good on you Koralov. We, the fans, got pissed and didn't even try.

The atmosphere was always going to be a bit flat to say the least all things considered.I thought a few tried to get it going but a piss poor performance by the team,some of whom looked like they couldn't care less AGAIN didn't help.

The majority loved Mancini because he was a winner who gave 100%,let down by some players who didn't share the same philosophy.He was not there today,but were they any better,no,in fact they were worse.

We the fans can get pissed,sit in silence and sing or not sing.That is our right as spectators who PAID to watch a game of football.The players are PAID to play fucking football and be professional and only a couple appeared to do that today.If i was our next manager watching that shower it would tell me all i needed as to who should stay and who should go,the retain list would be short.

Kolorov copped the brunt of the fans frustration,i thought it was a little unfair,but he should be professional enough to take it.Plenty of people who deal with the public and get paid far less take worse abuse everyday and if they react get sacked.

Good point and well made, regarding Kolorov having to take stick, he should try working at A & E on a Friday and Saturday night and they get nowhere near the money he is on!!
Football is the best sport in the world, and it always polarises opinion. Bluemoon is no different.

My opinion is that Kolarov is far from shite - fuck I have seen some shite at our club in the past. Our club, the people behind the scenes paid to choose, develop and nurture the squad to achieve, see the players every day, and obviously feel he has something to offer or he would have disappeared in a puff of invisible man smoke like Sinclair.

But he still gets picked as he can do a job. Armchair (or stadium seat!) defenders are polarised too - back off and shepherd the attacker into a less dangerous position, or dive in straight away and take the fucker out?

The 'take the fucker out' brigade hurl abuse, and think he's shite.

All I saw was him shepherding.....Ok he's not our most gifted footballer, but I felt for him yesterday as our 'take the fucker out' South Standers decided to take the ire of the Season out on him.

Over the last couple of months better players than him have gone missing. Where is the Yaya we know, for instance?

Fuck me, booing our own. Bet I wasn't in the minority of 'shepherders' cringing in my seat.
I can put up with players being shit but a player who doesn't give a shit is a totally different matter. The sooner Kolarov leaves this club the better.
As i've said before jeering is the only way we can show our feelings to players, I've tried writing to Aleksandra but he doesn't reply so i,ll carry on booing him until he fucks off out of our club
Massively under achieved and just isn't god enough for our team - Saw some lads have a bit of a ruck in the upper tier next to the away fans on the corner, was that something to do with some fans booing him and others not happy with it?
OK Kolarov isn't flavour of the month. Or any month come to that. And anyone is entitled to their opinion. But this idea that he's "dog shite" or whatever is laughable. He's an international footballer! And I'm assuming it's the same Aleksander Kolarov, Mourinho wanted to take to the Bernabeu, before Bobby stepped in.
The guy may not be suited to the Premier League. Fair enough.
But when was the last time Real Madrid made an offer for Gael Clichy ?

As for yesterday. Shit game. Shit atmosphere. Shit performances all over the park.
But you don't boo your own.

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