
© photo by Daniele Buffa / Image Sport

As reported by SkySport is being held in Milan a meeting between Piero Aid,Inter ds and the entourage ofAleksandar Kolarov, former Lazio full-back now at Manchester City.
If only Aleks was the homegrown LB I would have got shot of Clichy and brought in Sandro or Ricardo Rodriguez.
I think Wolfsburg would hate us if we signed both ricrod and Kdb the same summer haahah. I thin kolarov is better than Clichy but doesn't work in the long run. Clichy is more versatile and HG ofc. Clichy and Sandro would be amazing choices. Totally gonna miss kolas leftie
Get rid so we don't have to talk about getting rid of him for another five years. Is, was and will always be a weak link.

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