Kolo Toure [Merged]

Re: Toure agrees city move [Merged]

Lomas has a lob on said:
Cambridgeblue said:
The bold bits come across as gloating / mild twatishness to me... not as bad as it could of been but still a little insensitive.
the post wasn't meant to come across as gloating or twatishness,i apologise to you as it clearly got to you but as the arsenal fan and i have carried on a good conversation and another bluemooner has stood up 4 my post, i think your the only 1 who did find it a gloating or twaty post! never mind cant please everyone!

I see that now, and I hold my hands up and say I was wrong about you... I was just concerned that what had started as a good conversation between two rival sets of fans was in danger of turning into a slanging match which would have been a shame.

I thought that the ha ha was aimed at Arsenal fans missing Toure (because that's how the clause was structured)... and so that made me think the question at the end was a mocking one and not one of innocent enquiry.
Re: Toure agrees city move [Merged]

Cambridgeblue said:
tom1985 said:
Think you need to read through things properly before saying someone is twattish!!

The HaHa is taking piss out of a city fan!! The rest of it.........dont know what part of that u think is insensitive!!!

Fair enough if that was what he meant but in that case the ha ha should not have been included in the first clause if it was meant to be aimed at the city fan.

The question at the end, when combined with the ha ha which I took to be aimed at the arsenal fan, seemed to me to be trying to get a rise out of the guy by rubbing it in that we could knock them out of the top 4 with their own players.

If anything I think I'm guilty of over-reading it not the other way around.
this is ridiculous now, the "ha ha" was meant towards the city fan as i started my post i thought of the city fan hence the haha, everyone else has clearly understood this bar you, now i hate all the silly arguments that occur on here and i dont want to be involved in 1, im sure you dont either! the post in no way was meant to rub arsenals fans noses in it, im gonna try and get back to talking toure, hopefully you'll do the same!
Re: Toure

Pollerz said:
Dont know why im posting this can feel the abuse already.

Toure will be signed by wednesday if the medical goes to plan.

that is all.

I don't know why you're posting it either.

Essentially you've tried to claim ITK status with the above, but got yourself a nice little get out clause regarding the medical. All you've done is take infor from various media sources, make a "semi prediction" but also covered your back. It's essentially meaningless.
Re: Toure agrees city move [Merged]

rice10 said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Fair point but they always seem to have a thin/fragile squad... it's not like we need to worry about Europe this season.

That being said they always put the youth team out for the Carling cup whilst we'll be wanting either that or the FA cup next season.

I think we have a chance dont get me wrong but all this talk of other managers saying we will challenge for titles and some city fans saying 2 cb's and we can challenge i think is to soon. I would love to be wrong though.

what worried me in our friendly on sat was our lack of being able to string 2 passes together and that might pose a problem. Also without Stevie Ireland there was a huge gap between the front and midfield!! if Elano goes and it looks like he will we need another attack minded midfielder. I personally would love us to take a punt on someone like Douglas Costa who would be happy to wait for his chance behind superman!!

I agree with some of what your sayin mate but i wish people would not read to much into the pre season friendly. Thats all it was. When the Blackburn game comes around we will be much stronger, i though our passing game was awesome at times last year and with the new additions i think we will be even better this year with Ade and Roque linking up play to. Just my opinion though!!!
Re: Toure

Matty said:
Pollerz said:
Dont know why im posting this can feel the abuse already.

Toure will be signed by wednesday if the medical goes to plan.

that is all.

I don't know why you're posting it either.

Essentially you've tried to claim ITK status with the above, but got yourself a nice little get out clause regarding the medical. All you've done is take infor from various media sources, make a "semi prediction" but also covered your back. It's essentially meaningless.

Lol bluemoons version of mark ronson strikes again
Re: Toure

Matty said:
Pollerz said:
Dont know why im posting this can feel the abuse already.

Toure will be signed by wednesday if the medical goes to plan.

that is all.

I don't know why you're posting it either.

Essentially you've tried to claim ITK status with the above, but got yourself a nice little get out clause regarding the medical. All you've done is take infor from various media sources, make a "semi prediction" but also covered your back. It's essentially meaningless.

Pollerz tbf i think you need to stop these itk's its all in the public domain anyway!
Re: Toure agrees city move [Merged]

rice10 said:
Cambridgeblue said:
Fair point but they always seem to have a thin/fragile squad... it's not like we need to worry about Europe this season.

That being said they always put the youth team out for the Carling cup whilst we'll be wanting either that or the FA cup next season.

I think we have a chance dont get me wrong but all this talk of other managers saying we will challenge for titles and some city fans saying 2 cb's and we can challenge i think is to soon. I would love to be wrong though.

what worried me in our friendly on sat was our lack of being able to string 2 passes together and that might pose a problem. Also without Stevie Ireland there was a huge gap between the front and midfield!! if Elano goes and it looks like he will we need another attack minded midfielder. I personally would love us to take a punt on someone like Douglas Costa who would be happy to wait for his chance behind superman!!

Wenger himself said that we have a decent chance to break through into the Top 4, just three weeks ago.

However, we will need to see a massive improvement in our build up play. At the moment, in addition to having a poor defence, we have no creative flair at all. This was eveident in the SA friendlies last week. Hughes has a lot of work ahead of him in the next few weeks in co-ordinating this squad. I hope everybody realizes this.
Re: Toure

Matty said:
Pollerz said:
Dont know why im posting this can feel the abuse already.

Toure will be signed by wednesday if the medical goes to plan.

that is all.

I don't know why you're posting it either.

Essentially you've tried to claim ITK status with the above, but got yourself a nice little get out clause regarding the medical. All you've done is take infor from various media sources, make a "semi prediction" but also covered your back. It's essentially meaningless.
Isn't that what a Pollerz post is meant to be?
Re: Toure agrees city move [Merged]

wandarah said:
No offense taken here!

I mean, even if you had had a snipe, all's fair innit. Can't come rocking onto another teams board and not expect some banter.
glad you didn't take offence as i didn't intend any! are arsenal linked with any other defenders as a replacement do you no?

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