Kyle Walker newspaper story

Always the same language in these articles isn’t it?

Downed pints
Shocked revellers
Pawed women
Washed down with champagne
Drunkenly fumbled
Gyrated provocatively

I wouldn’t be happy if I was his wife or his nun but apart from that I can’t see much of a problem here. It really doesn’t sound like he’s been wanking at the school gates despite the headline.
Apparently Talksport are lining him up for the breakfast show when he retires. Should clinch the deal if he loses his licence.
cam imagine the scum hacks upon recieving the CCTV footage

On a serious legal note can the bar, having recognised a PL footballer acting like a twat, sell / handover the footage to a newspaper. What are the legal implications?
Could do with Kyle playing Sat though up against Zaha.

Walker and his missus Annie seem to have a very weird relationship.

I hate these type of stories, the very worst.

The Sun gets on its moral high horse without any thought for how it impacts his partner and his family.

Kyle is stupid and not for the first time, he should know better.

Pep will speak to Kyle but I suspect he's more worried about what his missus will say.

He proposed last year after he was allegedly caught cheating.

If I had a pound for all the things I've seen at a newspaper Xmas party, some very well known writers would be living on Skid Row.

Drugs, sexual harassment, the annual shag of the office bike, racist comments, I've seen and heard them all.
You’d think at his age now,and what has allegedly happened in the past where women have been involved,he’d have sorted that shit out by now

Young lad with loads of money was a post I’ve read,well he’s a young lad compared to me I suppose,but come on,really,not like he’s early 20’s for fuck sakes,he’s a dick (waving) head and don’t think for one minute Pep will be too chuffed.

This guy should be setting an example not acting like a twat every time he’s had a shandy.

Gone in the summer either way for me,but situations like this don’t help his cause one bit

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