Kyle Walker newspaper story

Great footballer but why he continues to behave like a knob and bring unwanted and unneeded attention to the club I will never know.
Whether or not you can function for work is not the only measure of whether your extracurricular activities impact your job.

I won't defend Jack and Phil's actions on that occasion. They were unprofessional and rightly punished for it. They acted stupidly, accepted the consequences and everyone moved on.

Kyle is one of our senior players, one of our captains, a representative of our club, and this is not simply a case of him being a bit worse for wear after a few drinks. Accusations of sexual misconduct harm the club's reputation, which has already taken something of a beating in recent months and years. And indecent exposure is not funny, or harmless, or victimless.
ffs give it a fucking rest.
The problem isn't nudity, it's nudity in a public place where the nudity will be seen by people who haven't opted in to seeing it.

If you go to a nudist beach or a life drawing class or a sex club then you know that there will be exposed genitals and in deciding to go to that place, you're agreeing that you'll probably see some genitals. You've made that decision and you're not going to be offended by what you see.

In a public place where there's no indication that genitals will be on display, surprise, unsolicited genitals can be offensive or distressing.

There is also the context here of the history of men exposing themselves as a tactic to intimidate women. Whether it's sending unsolicited dick pics, having a wank in the park at walking-home-from-school time, any number of other incidents of these sorts...there's a nasty undercurrent of power play and intimidation in enough of these flashing incidents for it always to be a seedy and distasteful thing to do, even if it's not intended to cause distress.

When I was 18, I was sat in a takeaway with a friend, eating chips at the end of a night out, and a bloke walked over to us, flopped his dick out and placed it on our table. Should we have been okay with that? Was it "Victorian" of us to not be? Were the takeaway owners wrong to kick him out?

‘Next Time’ put some ketchup on it and stab it with your fork, that’ll teach the b@stard !
It might impact in the long term but it's obviously not had much of an impact on the last 15 years of his career, otherwise we wouldn't have signed the bloke and he wouldn't have fought off the likes of Cancelo and Danilo to keep his place since he got here.

Who were the victims in this instance?
Well that poster seems traumatised by the whole thing...

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