Kyle Walker newspaper story

As a student I was flashed at by another guy and I still can't un-see it all these years later. I think it was the unexpected nature of the incident that shocked me more than anything as I just never knew he was gay.
That's the kind of impact flashing has though. It's not particularly something that 'traumatises' the victim. With my wife she just feels annoyed that a complete weirdo has got one over on her (by making her feel uncomfortable even now, years later).

It's like a subtle form of PTSD.
Completely agree with you Kaz what men think is just banter to them is completely diffrent to women .
Some men… and some women. Some women have filthier minds and mouths and actions than some men.

A girl started wanking me off in my pants in the chill out room of a club once. I never asked her to and didn’t even really consent to it but was fucked so just went along with it for a bit. It was an uncomfortable experience to be honest but there were as many women who sat and watched us as men, and as many of each who walked out.
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This might be the tip of the iceberg. I was told a couple of weeks ago, by a ‘high-up’ at a newspaper group, that they have a large dossier of misdemeanours by Kyle …. and quite a lot on Jack. Jack’s made him look like ‘a naughty boy’ but Kyle was described as a ‘monster’.
Let’s hope this doesn’t start a feeding frenzy on our players.
Surely, the police would have to wait for a complaint from the public, and I mean someone who was actually there, not Offended from Sussex? Then they would request the tape. The pub can't just send bits of their surveillance tapes around Willy Nilly ( ;) ) can they?

And wouldn't they only be able to record surveillance for limited purposes like security? Unless they say on the front door "we will be recording you for surveillance purposes and just in case there is any chance of making a few bob"?
The bar can report a crime to the police yes, and the police can request the CCTV as evidence.

My previous comment on GDPR *might* be wrong. I think there's actually a vaguely worded line in it about if personally identifiable information (such as this video) is "in the public interest" then it can be shared. I'm not entirely certain.

I went to a whole conference about this a few years ago (at the swamp no less!) due to my work in the events/entertainment industry but it was incredibly tedious and I have forgotten a lot of it.
This might be the tip of the iceberg. I was told a couple of weeks ago, by a ‘high-up’ at a newspaper group, that they have a large dossier of misdemeanours by Kyle …. and quite a lot on Jack. Jack’s made him look like ‘a naughty boy’ but Kyle was described as a ‘monster’.
Let’s hope this doesn’t start a feeding frenzy on our players.
If they have them on our players, they’ll have them on about the same number of players at all clubs.

The culture of the sport away from the pitch is absolutely rife with it.

Let’s just say that there is a big organised industry of escorts who do very well from football players.
This might be the tip of the iceberg. I was told a couple of weeks ago, by a ‘high-up’ at a newspaper group, that they have a large dossier of misdemeanours by Kyle …. and quite a lot on Jack. Jack’s made him look like ‘a naughty boy’ but Kyle was described as a ‘monster’.
Let’s hope this doesn’t start a feeding frenzy on our players.
Off the pitch Kyle is a complete fuckwit, we all know that.

Which is a shame as when he's talking about football in interviews etc he comes across as very eloquent and as leader material.

Ah well.

Nothing worse than what lads in the 70s got up to but not every attention seeking **** in the pub had a internet connected camera attached to their hands did they.
This might be the tip of the iceberg. I was told a couple of weeks ago, by a ‘high-up’ at a newspaper group, that they have a large dossier of misdemeanours by Kyle …. and quite a lot on Jack. Jack’s made him look like ‘a naughty boy’ but Kyle was described as a ‘monster’.
Let’s hope this doesn’t start a feeding frenzy on our players.

No offence, but it sounds like bollocks.

If they have them why aren’t they running them? They’ve run plenty before on both players so no one is protecting them.

Clearly there’s a public appetite for footballer scandal stories.

So if there’s stories that aren’t being run it’s because either they can’t legally, or it’s just gossip with nothing to back it up.
Like a goomar
Yes, and a cinq-a-sept.

Italians and French think we have very unsophisticated, undeveloped, even frigid, attitude to relationships.

Half your age plus seven is the rule!

By the way, flashing is hanging. Certainly not brushing that aside.

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