Kylian Mbappé | Real Madrid Player (pg620)

When people have to repeatedly laugh at their own post, IN CAPITALS, they’ve already lost the argument.
Three replies in a row having a go at my posts…did you roll out of the wrong side of the bed petal?

And, your post makes absolutely no sense whatsoever!

Posting “HAHA” in a post neither wins nor loses any argument, and to any neutral, non-blue tinted specs wearer, it’s not an argument.
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Love Manchester. Have no wish to live there permanently ever again though.
Weekend here and there is just fine and dandy thanks but I wasn’t made for cold weather.
We are all different, we all require different things.
Footballers are no different but at the very top level when you’re in a position to choose your club I don’t blame anybody for deciding on a Warner climate.
And it’s still a shithole compared to Barcelona and Madrid!

Since when did “fastest growing” equate to “best or nicest”?

“Lipstick on a pig” comes to mind.

Funny thing is there was a thread a few months ago about what a shithole Manchester was, but now it’s about players wanting to be here to play for the club, it’s suddenly different?!

I will absolutely agree that playing for City at the moment might trump any perceived negatives about Manchester, especially considering the places the players live when they play here.

However, to suggest that Real & Barca are not massive draws for any player and that both cities are better places to live (esp for non-English players) is ridiculous.

Mansour, Khaldoon, Ferran & Txiki, and now Pep have clearly transformed City into the best team in the world. No doubt about it! That said, Manchester is not a preferred place to live for the best players in the world who can choose where they want to play and live.

That’s not to say there aren’t lovely leafy green towns and villages that are beautiful, with modern mansions suitable for todays elite players…or more importantly, their significant others, but I think Manchester (love it or loathe it, or both) isn’t Barcelona or Madrid and a few new skyscrapers or student bars isn’t going to change that.
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Love Manchester. Have no wish to live there permanently ever again though.
Weekend here and there is just fine and dandy thanks but I wasn’t made for cold weather.
We are all different, we all require different things.
Footballers are no different but at the very top level when you’re in a position to choose your club I don’t blame anybody for deciding on a Warner climate.

It's obviously going to always be a consideration. We are lucky to have seen the growth of the premier league in the last few years coincide with Barcelona struggling with the finances and failing to come to terms with the loss of Messi, and Madrid focus on younger players as they focused on a more sensible transfer policy and building a treasure chest to pay for Mbappe.

If Haaland wants to leave it's going to cost them a lot of money. The touted Endrick clause and fact they can't reasonably play Haaland, Mbappe, and Endrick in the same team. And then there is Vini Jr of course.
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And it’s still a shithole compared to Barcelona and Madrid!

Since when did “fastest growing” equate to “best or nicest”?

“Lipstick on a pig” comes to mind.

Funny thing is there was a thread a few months ago about what a shithole Manchester was, but now it’s about players wanting to be here to play for the club, it’s suddenly different?!

I will absolutely agree that playing for City at the moment might trump any perceived negatives about Manchester, especially considering the places the players live when they play here.

However, to suggest that Real & Barca are not massive draws for any player and that both cities are better places to live (esp for non-English players) is ridiculous.

Mansour, Khaldoon, Ferran & Txiki, and now Pep have clearly transformed City into the best team in the world. No doubt about it! That said, Manchester is not a preferred place to live for the best players in the world who can choose where they want to play and live.

That’s not to say there aren’t lovely leafy green towns and villages that are beautiful, with modern mansions suitable for todays elite players…or more importantly, their significant others, but I think Manchester (love it or loathe it, or both) isn’t Barcelona or Madrid and a few new skyscrapers or student bars isn’t going to change that.
That’s your opinion but clearly it’s not one that lots of people agree with. I think it’s rather rude to come on here and tell Mancunians that their city is a “shithole”
I like Chicago as a City to visit but, wouldn’t live there whereas I’d live in city centre Manchester any day but that’s my opinion I also wouldn’t go on a Chicago Bears forum and tell them that their city is a shithole
We have also had lots of world class players, who could chose to play anywhere, spent a good proportion of their career, by choice, living in Manchester and that’s before Pep came along even the rags have had a few

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