Last Film You Saw

To be honest, I hate dubbed. If I'm watching a foreign film, I always look for the subtitled version. Train to Busan, Parasite were superb films and I think it really helps having the proper intonation from teh actors. I love how in the Korean films, the disdain is so clear in the delivery when the pronunciation gets prolonged.

Same with Netflix Spanish speaking shows like the superb Narcos and Money Heist
I honestly couldn't watch a dubbed film. Subtitles every time.
I never thought I could watch a subtitled film until I saw Das Boot. So engrossing that you forget your reading.

I've seen it, cracking film.

For me watching the mouth not being in sync with the dialogue, and with a British or American accent, that doesn't fit the character, makes them unwatchable.

Unless it's 1970's Euro porn, that is.
Never got the appeal of the LOTR stuff. Or Harry Potter. Or those dragons and sorcery films and TV series. Or the comic book films (Marvel, DC etc).
The Marvel franchise has destroyed the movie industry, pleased to say it's looking like the obsession with them is fading fast.
Never got the appeal of the LOTR stuff. Or Harry Potter. Or those dragons and sorcery films and TV series. Or the comic book films (Marvel, DC etc).
Or those shark films, or those horseback movies, or those detective flixs, or those naked instructional docudramas, or all that space stuff or that funny shit or that scary crap, or those war thingies, or ...

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