League Cup Final - Hart or Pantilimon?

Garcia's played in every round. Boyata in most games. Do they get to keep their places?
Definitely Pants, can't deny that Joe's the better keeper but this is Pants chance to perform in a final with us, he's never let us down before so why should we let him down again, like mancini did!
kun said:
DTKOAG said:
After the way Mancini shat on Pantillimon last year it has to be Pants..
To be fair, that was Costel's fault for gobbing off to the papers talking about how winning the FA Cup was going to be his last game for City.

That probably didn't help, and was inadvisable, but Mancini's lack of finesse on dealing with such issues maybe lost us the cup. Can't imagine how that went down in the changing room but it can't have left a good atmosphere.
If memory serves correctly, Hart played against Leicester so neither player has been designated to the League Cup. I feel in today's culture though that Pantilimon deserves this shot. He screwed up last year though, not Mancini.
whp.blue said:
its a Barm said:
strongest team that means Hart.

Wasn't that the logic in the F.A. cup final? and look where that got us

Pantilimon all day long for me he is our cup keeper
Was Hart supposed to play in all 11 positions or something then, the logic is a bit baffling on that one

Changed my mind actually I would play Richard Wright

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