Lech Posnan tonight

The "Come. To. Poznan. Fuck. You. Cunts" was nice to hear at the end ;)

Best set of fans i've seen at CoMS though, when they were all waving their scarves;

I looked at the SS, full of Poznan.

I looked above 111 to the third tier; full of Poznan.

I looked over at the directors box; half full of Poznan.

I looked at the North stand; even more Poznan.

Travelled over from Thirsk, stopped at the motorway stop, full of Polish had a good chat about the clubs, grounds etc, got to the ground at 4:45 Polish Fans all over the place, sat outside Asda drinking, not one sign of trouble. Sat in SS L2 last night the next sit was the black netting and thought if this kicks off it will be 'fun' but I have to say that was the best away following by a mile I have seen at any City game, Sunderland 91 at Maine Road was the other but last night was brilliant, and like my lad said these are the nights why we want to be in Europa.
For any Pozan Fans reading this site today, well done for way you supported your team last night and as far as I am concerned you are welcome back to COM's anytime. Magic night.
Glad to see some city fans are so accepting of people wanting to come and spend money at our club!!!

I was sat in my usual season-ticket seat when around 20-25 Poles were sat infront....all very friendly until they scored.....when the gutless wonders behind me wanted them out....but guess what...they were sat ten rows back!!!

Those Poles had spent their good money at our club, and the club had sold them the tickets. Yes they had celebrated and that was not their brightest moment...but the club was at fault for selling them the tickets in the first place and no way should they have been removed and shouted at by some ignorant fans who are so happy we are playing in a european cup...but refuse to accept a little banter and are happy to shout from ten rows back where they are not going to come to any harm!!

And when i defended them i got a mouthful!! From the men on the terraces who are still as misogynist as they were 30 years ago!!!
kimmy85 said:
Glad to see some city fans are so accepting of people wanting to come and spend money at our club!!!

I was sat in my usual season-ticket seat when around 20-25 Poles were sat infront....all very friendly until they scored.....when the gutless wonders behind me wanted them out....but guess what...they were sat ten rows back!!!

Those Poles had spent their good money at our club, and the club had sold them the tickets. Yes they had celebrated and that was not their brightest moment...but the club was at fault for selling them the tickets in the first place and no way should they have been removed and shouted at by some ignorant fans who are so happy we are playing in a european cup...but refuse to accept a little banter and are happy to shout from ten rows back where they are not going to come to any harm!!

And when i defended them i got a mouthful!! From the men on the terraces who are still as misogynist as they were 30 years ago!!!
Well said mate, a few can spoil it for others, but like I say great night and lets hope for more.
Hang on... so you guys are telling me it wasn't World War 3 last night???

well done the stewards and dare i say it GMP last night, i know they nicked a few drunks etc outside but if you hammer it all day you ve got to expect to get the black glove if you can hardly stand..saw 1 myself..but i never saw any trouble which did take me by surprise
As some mate said it previously, Lech didn't actually come to cause any troubles or look for adventures; they simply have other priorities in terms of "H" sport. For the next time, just don't believe all this media bullshit - it would save some unnecesessary emotions. I don't know how it is in UK, but here media always talk a lot of trash about football fans, so we never take it seriously.

If u want to see how we do it in Europe, come to Poznań. Yesterday was only a preview of Polish fanatism ;-)
We were at COMS quite early and stood around near the Benz dealership, to where the away fans entered... awesome watching what seemed like an endless line of fans all walking down the road with police escort, dogs, the lot....

Respect to Poznan, to whoevers going over there unless your creating trouble I can't see much trouble, they probably want a few thousand over there putting money into their local economy.

We walked through (by mistake lol) a big gang of handy looking lads, all 6'5+ easy with no police around and had no problem whatsoever.

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