Lescott [Merged]

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forevercity said:
question to everton fans.

what exactly have we done wrong???

WE didnt make the bids public, YOU did. thats YOUR fault. Ok, our manager has said that he wants to sign Lescott, not exaclty a secret since YOU made our bids public, but EVERY manager has come out and said that they want to sign a player

Moyes on Senderos rings a bell.

EVERTON have been very amateurish in this whole saga, if we had our way we would deal with deals just like the way Barry was handled. Proffessional and by the book, something Everton havent been

Firstly, you haven't done anything wrong but neither have we in rejecting a bid for a player, contrary to seemingly popular belief on here.

Secondly, Senderos deal was made public by the Austrian FA originally and confirmed by Arsene Wenger.
Darker shade of Blue said:
blueinsa said:
Nothing, nothing at all!

Our problem is that Moyes and EFC have gone bleating to the press with all this, slamming City for, thats right, using the press in trying to sign him.

The fact is mate we bid in private and the only time it became public knowledge was when EFC decided to start their propoganda machine!

You could not make it up!

A few questions :

Didn't Sky sports ' understand ' that City had made a bid on both occasions , hours before Everton officially rejected it on the OS ?

[color=#FF00FFThat would never have been leaked by EFC for their own aims would it?[/color][/color]

Did not a proposed wage structure get leaked to the press before permission to speak to the player was granted ?

Ah yes, all our players will earn £50m a week according to the Sun!

Didn't Hughes mysteriously share the same hotel as Terry and Lescott , only for him to target both players ?

Rumours! Do you have proof?

Not posted with intent to start arguments , but simply looking for opinions on the above .

You tow the party line way too much mate, think for yourself now and then!
Is there some reason that Kenwright hasn't endorsed today's remarks? What with being the chairman and all that.
Darker shade of Blue said:
blueinsa said:
Nothing, nothing at all!

Our problem is that Moyes and EFC have gone bleating to the press with all this, slamming City for, thats right, using the press in trying to sign him.

The fact is mate we bid in private and the only time it became public knowledge was when EFC decided to start their propoganda machine!

You could not make it up!

A few questions :

Didn't Sky sports ' understand ' that City had made a bid on both occasions , hours before Everton officially rejected it on the OS ?

Did not a proposed wage structure get leaked to the press before permission to speak to the player was granted ?

Didn't Hughes mysteriously share the same hotel as Terry and Lescott , only for him to target both players ?

Not posted with intent to start arguments , but simply looking for opinions on the above .

If you're suggesting that City briefed SSN that we were about to make a bid for Lescott, where's your evidence for this? What would City have to gain from this?
City leaked a proposed wage structure to the media to what end? Are you naive enough to think that Lescott's agent hasn't been fully informed of whats on offer to his client?
They shared the same hotel. So what?
Bryan said:
I have to admit that I find it amusing and very contrary that City fans are upset about Everton fans commenting in a LESCOTT thread on a CITY board. Why do you think we aren't commenting in the threads about your players? Because we aren't invested in them and don't care.

what do you mean you arent invested in them? Is it cos you have got no dosh or cos you meant to type interested? Which CITY players could everton buy?
Re: Fornicator!!!!!

Gwladiator said:
For the first time this summer City are told where to go when it comes to one of your targets and all some seem to be able to do on here is woman at Moyes and he's the cry baby?

actually this is moyes and his crybaby alter ego...

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