Lescott [Merged]

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Radio 5 Live claimed that the deal has been agreed but Everton asked for it to be not announced until Monday, they want to get their fixture out of the way first.
cibaman said:
Radio 5 Live claimed that the deal has been agreed but Everton asked for it to be not announced until Monday, they want to get their fixture out of the way first.
Are Radio 5 Live usually reliable with this kinda stuff mate?.
Glutton4Punishment said:
Glutton4Punishment said:
I'm still here, still bored, wish to god they'd get it over with. Been on hols for the last fortnight and followed the horrible saga from there. Candidly, he's shown his true colours and I really dont think he's worth fighting over anymore. I hope that we get plenty of cash for some much needed right flank reinforcements and another championship CB!

I have a feeling that he will live to regret this, not the £££ obviously but I think that Jags flattered him last year, with Terry next to him he'd be fine but without I geniunely dont think he's an improvement on what you've got. I predict that he'll be replaced next summer by a better CB.

The whole sorry saga has really made me question football and what its become..... Before you jump down my throat, I'm not having a dig at City, I just think the whole episode has been apauling from the start. Hughes' arrogance, Moyes' pig headedness and the unprofessional behaviour of the player - not to mention our arsewipe of a Chairman and his typical obviscation of responsibility - he let the whole thing develop without intervening - possibly he needs a few quid for a new show.....

Best of luck for the rest of the season - there have been some great comments - and some utter shite.... but enjoy the fairytale this season.....

Honestly, I really dont know. I'm not in your position so I cant say for sure. I might be jealous of the cash but I dont think its being spent very well, I may well be bitter - here's us fans following a team that has worked so fucking hard to get a decent squad together only to see it broken up by an arab's cash rather than work, talent,determination and achievement.

Honestly, I really dont know, I just know that I was brought up to know right and wrong - maybe I'm a bit sentimental but I think you should earn lifes goodies - just wading in with cash seems to demean the purpose, I know the things I really love in life I've worked fucking hard to get, I also know (and work with) a whole bunch of people who have been given life on a platter - nothing seems to mean as much to them?.... Not your fault, and I know the majority of City fans are probably the true supporter that I've been for years its just the nature of football. But it just doesnt sit well with me.

As I said about a thousand posts ago, good luck to the lad, he's given us three good years - I still dont think he's all that to be fair, he's solid enough but not a £20m defender, not by a long shot!

Mate, our owners have worked hard for their money, how do you think they amassed a fortune stretching into the Trillions, by snatching handbags? I think you summed yourself up adequately when you said you might just be jealous of the cash.

You’re obviously upset (I can’t think why) but to be talking about being brought up to know the difference between ‘right and wrong’, and saying things like ‘I think you should earn life’s goodies’ is extreme!

You also say ‘I also know (and work with) a whole bunch of people who have been given life on a platter - nothing seems to mean as much to them’. I think £200m will mean a lot even to the richest of people.

I’ll start to respect your point of view when you decry Everton for living outside their means and owing the banks millions. When you pay back the millions that you owe and create a top 6 team through hard ‘work, talent, determination, achievement and NO DEBT, then I’ll better understand your point!!!

We support Manchester City, but our club is legally owned by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan. It’s his club, it’s his money and he can fucking well do what he likes with it!! And none of us least of all Everton fans have any right to curse a man who just investing the fruits of his labour into his latest business venture!!!

If someone came along and bought Everton, wiped out your debt overnight and invested in your club, I suppose you’d be the first on the picket line outside Goodison wanting them to take their ‘Arab cash’ back!!!
The Fixer said:
Dribble said:
Well until someone comes on and says they actually saw Lescott at CoMS today with their own two eyeballs, I'll go with what Stu said earlier. At this delicate stage of the negotiations, I think it'd be a bit previous on our behalf to start parading him around unless all has been agreed, signed, sealed & sorted!!!

All I've heard to the contrary so far is along the lines of..... 'Mi mate's aunt, who a great friend of the toilet attendant who was once married to the bird with the big tits in the ticket office......... Blah blah blah' said that such & such a person saw Lescott.

Yet you believe a numpty who used to post fake transfer rumours on another city site? oh dear you didn't know that did you? yes poor old stu caught out!!

don`t know who`s right,wrong,posting in good faith or a wum but fixer seems to be totally negative to everyone and anyone and to post so many times since may makes me suspicious of his agenda.
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