
...and now I think all of you know why Mancini had to be so defensive using both Barry & De Jong to protect our error-prone center back, like Kolo and Lescott, all the time.
after watching lescott today i would send him on loan straight away and get david luiz in who is quick and powerfull lucky we were playing leicester because if he played like that in a big game we would of lost.
I really hoped he was coming good. He's just had a nightmare at city. So slow makes far too many mistakes. He moans about not starting but he's just a million miles behind kolo and Vince. P

Honestly much prefer nedum, boyata and Richards to him back there. Not his fault he's no where near as good as the players we already had . We should Never have signed him.

The immense shitness of Hughes in the transfer market continues to cast a long shadow over our club.
I've been saying for ages he simply isn't good enough. He defends with his hands, shoves and pushes instead of standing up to a challenge. Our defence looks un-coordinated and unsure when ever he plays. Surely boyata must be a better option. At least when he makes a mistake he has the potential to learn.

Jags was always the better of the CB at everton and lescott simply isn't good enough.
24 million quid and he is scared to death of the football and i am scared to death when he has it at his feet also. He can head it but he is not as good as Richard Dunne at defending and Dunne wasnt good enough for us in the end.

Kompany has been excellent but is still a bit raw at times and does get turned in tight positions now and again.

A top defender is the next purchase but we have to get it right. A younger Lucio will do but not sure who.
As most of us have thought for a long time gollum is a master at making poor / average players look decent. Lescott is proof of this.
bluethai said:
...and now I think all of you know why Mancini had to be so defensive using both Barry & De Jong to protect our error-prone center back, like Kolo and Lescott, all the time.

the more i read your posts the more i think you are the best BM's poster

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