"Limericks Bar Dortmund"

simonwood123 said:
Good lad sharky you've been a legend in sorting this out I think we all owe you a beer when we get there! I agree about maybe takin a few bits as good will gestures, like you said, even if its a quid sticker from the club shop! Were bringing a few flags with us so it might be a good idea to maybe leave one behind for limerics?

I don't live up north so won't be going to the shop to get anything but I can bring a couple of old shirts for them to hang up
mrksdawn19 said:
simonwood123 said:
Good lad sharky you've been a legend in sorting this out I think we all owe you a beer when we get there! I agree about maybe takin a few bits as good will gestures, like you said, even if its a quid sticker from the club shop! Were bringing a few flags with us so it might be a good idea to maybe leave one behind for limerics?

I don't live up north so won't be going to the shop to get anything but I can bring a couple of old shirts for them to hang up
Thats the spirit lads, and its not why I suggested it but it was mentioned that the Dortmund fans will probably reciprocate, quite fancy a Dortmund shirt ;)

Simon I appreciate what you say but nobody owes me anything, it was merely a couple of phone calls, just saying what you said is thanks enough, i`d be very embarrassed if anyone bought me a beer, lets just enjoy it.
simonwood123 said:
Fair enough no worries! What this curry thing use are talking about?
Never had it pal but if you`ve been to the German markets in town I think its a curried version of them great big tasty sausages they do on them massive hanging metal plates, mouths watering now mmmmmmmm
bluesharx said:
simonwood123 said:
Fair enough no worries! What this curry thing use are talking about?
Never had it pal but if you`ve been to the German markets in town I think its a curried version of them great big tasty sausages they do on them massive hanging metal plates, mouths watering now mmmmmmmm

Umm my mouth is watering ha ha
Currypommes, the local food in Dortmund

just currywurst
Cant wait for this weekend, the dam friday to sunday, day recover then fly to germany on tuesday for another piss up.
latched on to a Dortmund fan on facebook who is travelling from Denmark, He knows the the Limerick and is passing the word round for a good crack.
darmi said:
latched on to a Dortmund fan on facebook who is travelling from Denmark, He knows the the Limerick and is passing the word round for a good crack.
Thats brilliant, its getting better and better, nice one.

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