Lionel Messi | Joins Inter Miami (pg4111)

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Gus is a good pal of mine, grew up a stone throw from us, I managed to catch up with him and Clive recently, both look early 40s...

Rob snr had, let’s just say, every edgy kid going in his teams, we won most games without kicking a ball (:, it wasn’t a long lasting team but we won pretty much everything over a couple of years, then we all filtered off, I went to Fletcher Moss from there!
They were fun times. I also Played for Walshaw in the Lancashire League. A far cry from the shit football teams in Beverly Hills where I live now…
One of the guys who used to work for me played for Fletcher Moss around that time. Nick Stephenson (Stevo) you may have played with him.
Cos he quite clearly still wants to play for Barcelona. That's obvious, otherwise he'd just not be there now. La Liga, Messi and Barca will sort sumat out financially. Dunno what, but i cant see it ending any other way.

I think this viewpoint is wholly rational and aligns with everything we already know about Messi, Barca and La Liga. BUT and it’s a big BUT the financial parameters are different today… As a few have said Barca‘s financial situation is a complete mess and the nature of their liabilities- fixed term contracts - makes it all but impossible to restructure their finances quickly. Sure Barca, La Liga and Messi can figure something out but it will take something off the scale, almost certainly outside the rules and something that will probably be illegal…. So on balance yes Messi will probably stay - and in a way I hope he does because the integrity of all concerned will take yet another monumental hit. I’d love to see Tebas front up yet another justification of local corruption.
Laliga can't afford for a weak Barca and no Messi.

The drain of talent can't continue and in my opinion it won't be allowed to in terms of Messi leaving.

Compromises will be made, as you quite rightly say, the rules for the rich, wealthy and famous are different, always have been and always will.

Of course a dodgy deal to retain Messi will only accelerate the demise of Barca and La Liga. Fiddling the numbers doesn’t change them.
I‘m not sure that’s correct - I think there may be terms in football contracts that relate to registration - if the employee can’t ply their trade - I.e. not play; then the contract is “frustrated” because Barca (the employer) cannot deliver a basic element of the contract. It’s the similar if you or me get a contract with Goldman Sachs - if you are struck off and can’t get registered by the FSA or if they cannot register you for some reason (such that you cannot work as defined under the terms of the contract) the contract is frustrated and their is no notice or compensation required. In legal terms the contract never comes into effect.
The club are still liable for the wages, like city with Douglas Luiz.
Yes but the point that interests me is that Garcia and Depay refused offers of contracts from clubs which could pay them to sign for Barcelona. Barcelona then said it could only pay half of what it promised and now can't pay them anything because it can't register them. La liga and UEFA must surely find this unacceptable, as the courts may well, and Barcelona should surely be made to honour the original contract it offered?

Absolutely this ^ it’s the equivalent of winning a competitive contract to deliver something at a set price and then when you’ve won the contract trying to renegotiate it - it fundamentally distorts the original tendering process and the whole tendering process needs to be restarted. They have gained an advantage by default and under false pretences.
Do you mean when he couldn't get his work permit?
Yep - work permits and salary caps are not unforeseen events, and the players contracts are pretty water tight. You could lose both legs and if the club want rid of you they need to give 12 months' notice and then then and insurance payout.
Not really, he’s a stickler for others complying to rules whilst the likes of Barca and Real break them at will… the definition of a hypocrite.
Ultimately though Barca's debt is unmanageable. Releasing players is massive equity lost. They've actually lost their minds !
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